Chapter One

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January 5th, 2011
Washington, D.C.

We are finally settled into the new house and to say we are exhausted is an understatement. We have been moving and unpacking for the last 3 days. Getting new furniture, new locks installed, and trying to keep up with my internship. I should've listened to Emily and been a stay at home fiancé.

"How does pizza sound everyone?" Emily said coming into the living room where we were all spread out at. Tara and her girlfriend on the floor. Derek and Pen on the loveseat and me in my oversized bean bag chair.

"Pizza sounds amazing, you know the way to my stomach girl" Derek said stretching out on Garcia.

"I second that" Tara said. Pen and I agreed along with Lindsey. Emily came over and sat beside me as we all watched Stranger Things while she ordered us some pizzas and wings.


After we finished the last of our food and the last episode of season 3, we all went our separate ways for bed. I was sitting in bed on my laptop while Emily got ready for bed.

"Hey, Em?" I called out.

"What's up baby?" She replied from the bathroom.

"So, I've been thinking... I think I want to take you up on your offer. I want to be a stay at home wife and maybe, take up real estate? I just.. I want us to start a family and you know how much I hate politics." I heard her moving around before she finally showed her face.

"And I'm guessing you've thought a lot about this?"

"I have. For a few days now, if not a week. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do. I love getting to write stories and showcase my talent to the world, I just don't want to bring any kids into the mix with the world and how it is. At least with real estate, it's not always a full time job, ya know? I would have the option to take days off, if not a month or even a year." She got into bed and made her way to me.

"And this is 100% what you want to do? Real estate?"

"Yes, I've already found a few courses I would love to do. The cost isn't bad and I think I would be good at it. So, what do you say?" She smiles at me and grabs my face.

"Let's make you a real estate agent baby"


"It's going to be hard to see you go Jennifer. You were and are one of our brightest interns we've ever had. Your talents will take you far, no matter what road you choose. You will always be a friend of mine. Do not ever hesitate to reach out to Michelle and I. The girls will definitely miss you around the house."

"Thank you Mr. President."

"Call me Barack okay? You don't work for me anymore and trust me, you will see us. Whether that be formal or informal. You're going to be a Prentiss soon, you'll be around. Especially with Liz still kicking. So real estate?" He said leaning back in his office chair.

"Yes sir. I officially got signed up for classes last week."

"Hmm, well, with my term about to come to an end, Michelle and I will be looking for a home here soon, think you'll be done by then?"

"Most definitely."

"Well, we would love be to your clients." We talked for another hour or so, the girls even came in to say bye to me. It felt like I was just going away for a little bit. It's not every day you get to become close to the president. Before I left, he gave me the number to some real estate agents he's known for a while and also some other contacts. He told me I would always have a job with him, no matter what. This would not be my last time in the White House, with or without him.


After leaving, I decided to head to the mall, just to do some shopping. Emily was away right now for a grand opening of her new office building in New York. I went to the Apple Store first because I wanted to grab a new MacBook, mine was on its last leg and I wanted something good for my courses and my last semester of college. I also got Emily a new Apple Watch, she cracked hers pretty bad during the move. I went to a few more stores, got a few clothing items and some lunch. It felt good to just get out and relax without worrying about work or anything else. I finally felt.. Free.

As I was getting into my car, I got an incoming call from Emily.

"Hey baby, how's New York?"

"Same ole same ole. The opening was a success, the office looks absolutely amazing. What are you up to?"

"Just heading home. I stopped at a couple of stores to grab some stuff. Now, I'm heading home. When are you scheduled to come back?" I put the car in drive and headed out of the parking lot.

"I'm actually on my way to the plane now. I wasn't needed at the office. We hired some pretty amazing people to run everything. I can't wait to see you. I got you a little surprise."

"A surprise? For me? You shouldn't have" she laughs and I smile widely just thinking about her coming back home to me and getting to feel her arms wrapped around me.

"Yes ma'am, a surprise. Well, we are pulling up to the hangar now. I'll see you in about 2 hours baby. I love you"

"I love you too baby. Please, be safe and I'll see you later" we hung up the phone and I sighed. It's now or never Jennifer..

"We have to tell her tonight.." I whispered to myself.


AHHHH SHIT, hey y'all. Look, I know. I've been gone for months on end and there's a good reason. BILLS. A bitch been breaking her back trying to pay bill's, it's ridiculous as fuck out here. Y'all stay young while you can.

But, like always I'm slowly coming back.

Be patient, I love y'all ❤️

Also, what y'all think Jennifer gotta tell Emily? 👀 never know with me! Stay tuned!

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