Chapter Thirty-One

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I rushed off the plane as soon as we landed. The valet already had my car waiting in the hangar. I jumped in and made my way home. I rode in silence the whole way there. Anger was still coursing through me. My hand gripped the steering wheel tightly as I sped down the highway.

By the time I finally made it home, it was almost 12am. I got out the car nodding at the security that I had stationed outside. I also had someone watching the guys house incase he left.

I made my way inside putting my stuff in the hall closet for now and my phone and keys on the kitchen table. Tara, Pen, and JJ were asleep on the big couch we had. Tara's comfort show, Martin, was playing on the tv. I didn't bother turning it off. I made my way upstairs to Derek's room. It was cracked opened. I could see him playing the game. I knocked on the door with my knuckle. He turned towards me and gave me a soft smile.

I walked in closing the door behind me.

"Hey.." I watched as he turned the game off and laid everything down. He didn't immediately turn towards me. "Derek-"

"I know.. I'm your brother and you love me no matter what I look like. No matter who my mom is, where I come from, or how much money I have.. You love me for me and no one can come between that." I stared at the back of his head with tears swimming in my eyes. This isn't the first time this has happened... And every time it's the same speech but this time... I can do something about it.

"That's correct. You mean the world to me D. You ARE MY brother. Nobody can change my mind either. I love you as if my mom had you, as if color didn't exist. I've never cared about any of those things. I'm friends with you because you get me, because you're my better half, because we click. Your dad would be so proud of you..." he turned towards me and I saw tears rolling down his face. "Come here D" I kicked my shoes off and laid down patting the space beside.

He got up and climbed in on the other side of the bed. We met in the middle and I wrapped my arms around him. *PLS DO NOT SEXUALIZE THIS!

"What are you going to do to him?" He asked as we laid there. We haven't cuddled since high school. People thought it was weird. But, isn't that what siblings do?

"Well.. I've already done everything. I sent mom his address and the video. First, we started off by emailing his job, apparently he was the CEO of this technology company. He's no longer employed. Next, we emailed any company he was involved with and they canceled everything with him. And lastly, he could face up to 20 years in prison. Luckily, mom knows the judge that will handle the case. He'll be in there by the end of the week."

"Thank you Em.. You really are the best sister I could ever ask for. I love you" I smiled and pulled him tighter to me. He's such a teddy bear.

"I love you too. Get some sleep" I reached over and turned his lamp off. He pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep, just like that. Hands down the best sleep ever. My body was worn out. Plus running for 18 hours with hardly any sleep, will do that to you.


I woke up the next morning to Pen and Tara talking. I sat up looking around.

"Good morning sleepy head" Pen said from beside me. We are all still cuddled up on the couch, kinda.

"Good morning. What time is it?"

"Almost 9am, did you sleep okay?" I took her cup of coffee and took a sip.

"I did. Did Emily make it home?"

"I don't know. I didn't really look for her. It was raining out there pretty bad when we woke up. Could barley see." I looked around for my phone and spotted it on the coffee table. I grabbed it and dialed Emily's number. I turnt my head towards the kitchen when I heard her phone ringing. I got up and went over to it. I noticed her keys and wallet as well.

"Where's Derek?"

"Maybe sleeping still? I haven't checked on him. I know he wanted alone time."

"Come on, let's go check upstairs." Tara and Pen got up following me upstairs. We first checked our bedroom then went to Pen's. The sight we saw made us all place our hands over our heart. I took my phone out taking a picture.

"Let them sleep and we will make breakfast." I closed the door back softly so I didn't wake them up. The girls and I made our way back downstairs to the kitchen so we could start breakfast. Emily and Derek have BIG appetites.

As I was finishing the last of the pancakes they finally stumbled downstairs. I knew Emily would eventually wake up and look for me. She's so cute when she's still sleepy. I smile softly at her as she walks closer to me. Her hair is messy and she probably still has morning breath. But, I honestly don't mind it.

"Jennifer" she says coming over to me, she pulls me into her arms.

"Hi baby, did you sleep okay?" I chuckle softly when I notice eye boogers. She only gets those when she sleeps hard, she must've been worn out.

"Yes, even though I was cuddling a rock all night" I fake pout as I take my thumbs cleaning her eyes off. Her hands are settled on my hips as we stand there.

"Did y'all even use the bathroom before y'all came down here?" I asked once I noticed Pen doing the same thing.

"No, I wanted to see you and Derek is just a big baby"

"What? That's all you man. Talking about, "Where's Jennifer? I miss her. Derek get up so I can see her" Man, she woke me up" I laugh at them as they bicker.

"Please go wash your faces and use the bathroom then you can eat" they both pout as they go back upstairs to clean up. We chuckle at them. We bring all the food over to the table and wait for them.

Once they get down there, we eat and talk about everything that happened.

This man fucked with the wrong group of friends.



Stay tuned for more babies ♥️🥰

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