Chapter Ten

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We sat on my bed staring at one another. The silence being the loudest thing ever at that moment. My heart was beating so fast.

"So.. What do we need to talk about?" Jennifer asks as she picks at her nails.

"So, there are so some things you don't know about me.. My mom is an ambassador, Spencer is my adoptive brother, and I'm also rich, outside of my moms career."

"Okay... That doesn't change how I feel about you.. I mean I wish you would've told me sooner.. How are you rich if you don't mind me asking?"

"I own the company Just Water, have you heard of it?"

"Yeah, I drink it here and there, it's really good even though water doesn't have a taste? But it kinda does" I chuckle softly.

"Thank you but there's something else.."

"Okay.. What's going on?" I sigh deeply taking her hands.

"I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend once we got back to the states but.. I'm leaving as soon as I get there. My mom got posted in Greece.. And since I use her for my schooling, I have to go too.."

"Oh" she pulls away from me scooting back.


"Don't.. How long are you gonna be there?"

"Well, I still have my senior year so.. 2-3 years.." she lets out a whimper.

"Okay.. I-I have to go" she jumps up running from the room, I hear the front door slam and I punch the bed.



"She's leaving Pen! She's going to Greece with her mom and I won't see her for 2-3 years! I- can't I-" I'm sobbing into my pillow as Pen rubs my back trying to calm me down, I've been like this for the past hour.

"You gotta calm down babe or you're gonna make yourself sick"

"I can't Pen, I like her so much! She took a lot from me already" my body shakes as the tears keep coming. It felt like my heart was breaking. She's already taking a lot from me and I hardly know her.

There's a knock at my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" Pen asks.

"Emily.." I sit up staring at the door.

"Do you want me to tell her to go away?" I shake my head no.

"No.. She can come in, I guess we need to talk about everything" she gets up and opens the door.

"Remember I'm a very good hacker and I can make your life a living hell if you hurt her" I chuckle softly as she leaves the room because she's serious whether you wanna believe her or not.


"Hi.." I lean back against the headboard and pull my knees to my chest, resting my chin on top of them. She comes over and sits on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry Jennifer.. If I didn't need my mom for schooling, I would've told them no but I have a softball scholarship I can't miss out on.."

"It's okay.. I understand.. School is more important, trust me, I understand." We sit there for a minute not saying anything.

"I would like to spend as much time with you as I can. I don't want us to end like this. I had every intention of making you my girlfriend once we got back to the states. I don't want to lose you Jennifer.."

"Would you like to go to dinner tonight? Nothing fancy"

"Of course, I would love to. Meet you here at 8?"

"Yeah that works for me.." she stands up and I get up with her, we walk to the front door, as she turns to leave, she stops and turns back towards me.

"Can I maybe have a kiss?" I roll my eyes smiling.

"I suppose one won't hurt" she steps closer to me, I can smell the body wash she used. My arms wrap around her neck while hers go around my waist holding me close. I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips against hers tasting the mint gum she's chewing. I moan softly and pull away.

"I'll see you tonight"

"Don't keep me waiting"

"Never" she winks at me and leaves.


"I told her you guys" I say to Derek and Spence as D and I play the game. Spence is reading some kind of medical book in the chair we have.

"What did she say?"

"Well, she was upset at first. She ran from me after I told her about Greece. But, we have a dinner date tonight, nothing to fancy."

"Did you tell her about your company?"

"Yeah, she wasn't upset about that. Just wish I would've told her sooner"

"Yeah but you had your reasons for not telling her."

"Yeah but it's going to suck not being able to see her for 2-3 years ya know? I actually like her."

"I mean technically we are on summer break once we get back. You could get a small apartment and just stay in Washington until we have to return to school" I paused the game looking over at Spence, a smile forming on my face.

"And that's why you're a genius!" I throw my controller down running into my room to call my parents. Looks like I'll be seeing her longer than planned.


At 8PM sharp there was a knock on the front door. I waited until 8:01 to open it.

"I didn't keep you waiting, you kept me waiting" I roll my eyes at her but I also get butterflies, she pulls something from behind her back, a bouquet of sunflowers with a few red roses. I smile brightly at her taking them, I bring them to my nose sniffing.

"Thank you, they're beautiful" Pen walks by and I hand them to her. "Put them in water please and I'll be back later okay?"

"Okay be careful hon, we love you! And I'm watching you Emily" she shots daggers at her. I chuckle and grab Emily's hand pulling her from the dorm. I close and lock the door behind us.

"Shall we?"

"We shall"


Do you think Emily is gonna go to Greece or will she stay with Jennifer in Washington for school? I mean she doesn't really have to go to school but it's a BONUS if she does..


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