Chapter Forty-Three

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November 23rd, 2010
Washington, DC
FFSH House

It was Jennifer's birthday today. I was so excited to be celebrating her today. She's turning 20, a very exciting milestone. I've spent weeks getting most of her gifts, the last gift was picked up in the middle of the night, let me explain.

Jennifer went to bed around 9:30pm, she was tired from working. Derek and I told the ladies that we were going out with his frat brothers, they knew not to bother us. Instead of us going with his frat bothers, we actually caught a flight to New York. I know you're probably asking, "Emily why New York in the middle of the night?" And there's a simple answer to that. My family and I are very good friends with a celebrity jeweler, he's open 24/7. He's worked with Beyoncé, The Obama's, and I think Cher came in there before.

Anyways, long story short, Jennifer's gift was in New York and I made a very special trip for it. After we picked up her gift, we hopped back on the plane and headed back to Washington. I made a few late night calls to a few people. And got everything for her birthday. I wanted her to feel special.

I creeped back into our room around 4am. She was sound asleep on my side of the bed, her blonde spread around her as her soft snores filled the room and that's how I knew she was tired. I stripped from my clothes and grabbed some pajamas. I went into the bathroom and took a semi quick shower. I got out, dried myself off, and brushed my teeth before going back into our room. I plugged both of our phones up, and moved everything off the bed she always slept with when I wasn't home.

I climbed in behind her, pulling her tightly to me. I buried my face in her hair, inhaling. She moves, turning around in my arms, burying her face in my chest. I kiss the top of her head, falling asleep. I had my watch alarm set for 8am. Anything for my girl, I guess.


It's now 8am, on the dot. I give myself a few minutes to wake up before I untangle myself from Jennifer, slipping out of bed. I go downstairs and I see Derek in the kitchen.

"Good morning" I said.


"Do you think I'm making the right decision?" I asked him as I made Jennifer and I coffees.

"I do. I wouldn't have went with you to New York, if I didn't think it was worth it. This is so worth it and you need to follow through with it. I think the whole world already knows what's going to happen. So, I accept the offer in advance" he said winking at me and smiling. I talked to him while I finished making the coffees, before I headed back upstairs to our room.

I place the coffee on the nightstand and climb into bed behind her. I move the hair away from her face and start placing kisses around her face before I end up at her lips. She moves a little in her sleep, scooting closer to me.

"Baby.." I whisper into her ear.

"No" I chuckle and kiss her lips again.

"Wake up baby"


"Fine, I'll guess I'll take someone else to Disney World" she cracked an eye open looking up at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well.. It's a certain someone's 20th birthday today and I might have bought them tickets to Disney World and our flight leaves out later tonight." She takes a few moments to wake up. "Happy Birthday beautiful" I say when she's finally awake. She smiles and holds her arms out.

"Thank you, now kiss me" I chuckle and scoot down so I'm laying beside her. I move into her arms and press a kiss against her lips. She snuggles me and we lay there talking as she continues to wake up. I love our morning talks.

She finally gets up and goes into the bathroom, I'm so glad that I decided to get us coffee warmers for mornings like this.

"Okay, so your next gift" I said when she walks back into the room.

"Next gift?!"

"Uh, yes? You only turn 20 once babe!" She gets on the bed, straddling my thighs. My hands automatically find them.

"Okay, so what's my next gift then Ms. Prentiss"

"Well, Ms. Jareau, I'm taking you on a shopping spree before we head out. Get us some bathing suits, a few matching outfits. We are going to be there for 5 days."

"Oh my god, I'm so excited, I've always wanted to go to Disney World! I'm going to need a new backpack purse baby. I have to call my mom!" She said, she had the biggest smile on her face as she leaned over grabbing her phone. I watched as she called her mom and dad telling them everything. After that, we got up and went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

We went downstairs to see that Tara, Derek, and Pen made breakfast for Jennifer's birthday. They sung her happy birthday before we ate. Derek had also rolled her a birthday blunt, something that he and I started when we first met. We can't stop it now. So, we smoked after breakfast.

We finally climbed into the car around 12pm, good thing our flight wasn't leaving until 2am. We climbed into my Lexus and made our way towards the mall. Jennifer had her hand on the back of my head, playing with my hair. I felt so in love and content with her. Like life finally made sense, that was I was about to do finally started to make sense and made me want it to happen faster. That quick trip to New York was all worth it.

My dream was finally about to come true.



I want to apologize for the slow updates. Work has been kicking my ass and it's about to be even worse this week. I probably won't be updating for a while or slowly updating.

So, with that being said. PLEASE do NOT ask for updates. On ANY of my stories. Just be patient.

I love you guys ❤️‍🔥

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