Chapter Forty-Eight

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WARNING: Rated M for end of chapter.

Also, this chapter and story are made up situations and scenes, this is all for entertainment. PLEASE, don't think too much into shit. Y'all gonna stress me out and that's not good for the baby ✋🏾😮‍💨

Anyways, enjoy 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️😘


November 30th, 2010
Washington, D.C.

We finally made it back home around 12am that early morning. We are all dragging as we walked into the house. We thought it was a good idea to get up as soon as the park opened to ride some rides before coming home. We all looked like zombies.

"Goodnight everybody" I said as Emily and I made our way up to our room. We quickly stripped from our clothes and climbed into bed. We didn't even bother with a shower. We scooted close to one another and tangled up. Her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair.

"I'm so tired." She said, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"Same here baby, you wore me out. What time do you have to be up?" She sighed and pulled me closer.

"7am. I have some meetings and then I have to meet up with the realtor to look at some buildings for the new office. Then classes and practice."

"Baby, you need a break. You're pushing yourself to hard my love"

"I know and I promise I will. It's almost Christmas break so school and practice will be on halt and I'll just have you and the company"

"You'll always have me baby, now get some sleep, please" I turned the lights off and scooted down so we could cuddle.

"Okay, I love you"

"I love you too baby, goodnight"



I woke up around 9 that morning. It felt weird not having Emily beside me when I woke up. I lifted my hand and stared at the ring on my finger. I couldn't believe that Emily asked me to marry her. Never in a thousand years did I think that I would be engaged at 20.

I finally got up and made my way into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I had meeting at the White House. I was taking the internship. I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty nervous about it. I mean I have to speak with the president. My meeting wasn't until 11 but I needed the extra time to prepare myself.

After I was done with my shower, I went into our closet to pick out an outfit. I had to make sure I look the part and do it well. I chose a black pencil skirt and a white blouse. I paired some black stockings with it and my black YSL heels. I did my makeup and hair before getting dressed. I grabbed my peacoat and made my way downstairs. Pen and Tara were sitting at the table eating.

"Good morning sunshine, ready for your interview?" Pen said.

"Good morning and yes, I'm nervous though. What if I mess up and butcher the whole thing?"

"Psh. You're smart JJ, if anybody can do it, it's you. I mean the director of the FBI basically begged you to do it. You could be president one day!" Tara said. I smiled at them.

"Thank you guys and if I do become president, y'all are living in the White House with me. I need some kind of entertainment."

"Hell yeah! I'm down for that" we sat around talking as I ate breakfast before I head out.


I pulled up to the White House and went through security. They gave me a visitors pass and I made my way inside to one of the many offices. I took a seat and the 2 hour interview began. There were a series of questions asked about the job, politics and my background. It was nerve racking to say the less.

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