Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Jennifer, you know that's my wallet. Why are you waking me up for that?"

"So tell me why the fuck your ex had your wallet?!"


"Hello! I'm talking to you!" She yelled again. I sat up, rubbing my hands down my face. This was going to be a long day.

"She must have taken-"

"Why the fuck were you with her Emily?! I don't fucking care how she got it! Why were y'all together?" I've never seen her this mad and I'm honestly pretty scared and nervous.

"We had dinner.. She called me earlier in the day asking for help with a business she wanted to open. It was a simple dinner. I went there and came straight home" I couldn't tell her that we might have stopped at a old friends house and started drinking.

"Don't fucking lie to me Emily. Because I swear to God, I will pull your locations up! Tell me the truth, the full truth!" I swallow hard looking up at her. I finally sigh and slump down.

"Look, we went to dinner for a business meeting but an old friend of ours called and invited her over for drinks, I went along because I haven't seen them since she and I broke up. But, I swear that's all that happened. You can check my locations, my bank statement, that's the truth. I would never cheat on you Jennifer. Especially not with her" she threw my wallet at me and went into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door.

Derek ran into the room, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah.. Grace came by.. With my wallet" his eyes widen.

"Oh shit, I'll leave y'all alone then" I nodded at him as he left, closing the door. I got up and walked over to the bathroom, knocking on the door.

"Jennifer, can you please come out so we can talk?"

"Leave me alone Emily" a reply comes.

"Jennifer please. It was just dinner and a few drinks." The door opens and she stands there glaring at me, tears streaming down her face. I reach out for her but she moves away, pushing my hands.

"No Emily. Instead of you coming to me like a respectful girlfriend, you go behind my back and have dinner with your EX GIRLFRIEND. How would you feel if I went out with Will? You know how bad he wants me back. I felt so fucking stupid standing there, staring at her with your wallet. Were you ever gonna tell me?" Silence.

"You know what Emily.. I'm leaving. I'm going to my dorm room for a few nights so you can figure out what the fuck you want!" She slams the door in my face again, locking it. I listen as she packs a bag and gets ready. I try to beg her to stay but she's not bulging.

"Jennifer please" I say following her downstairs. I grab her hand but she snatches it away.

"Emily, if you have any respect for me you would let me leave. I'm not gonna sit here and play these games with you. If you want her, then go get her. But, I'm not gonna be looking like a fucking fool while you're out having dinner with another bitch from your past. When you figure out who you want, come find me" with that she leaves, walking her way to campus. I slam the door shut.

"Fuck!" I run upstairs and grab my phone, finding Graces' number.

"Hello my love"

"Really Grace? Are you fucking stupid? Do you get off on ruining people's relationship?" She laughs and I wish I was there to smack the shit out of her.

"I'm surprised you didn't realize your wallet was gone the first hour. It's not my fault that she sees me as competition"

"What fucking competition Grace?! I don't want you! I love Jennifer, I'm in love with her. I actually see myself marrying her. She has nothing to compete with. I'm turning the business deal over to someone else, I want you to lose my number, and never try to contact me or anyone in this household or my family. You are dead to me Grace. Have a great fucking life" I hang the phone up and throw it against the wall, smashing it.

I pace around our room, trying to calm myself down. I can't lose Jennifer. I have to make things right.

"Tara, Penelope!" I call out to the girls. Not even a minute later they come walking.

"You rang?" They sit on the bed, looking at me.

"I need to make things right with Jennifer. I can't and won't lose her. I'll do anything to keep her. Please, help me?"

"It's going to cost. Our services aren't cheap" Tara says, smirking. I roll my eyes.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"We want to go on a shopping spree. Me, JJ, and Pen. With NO LIMIT."

"Fine, whatever. Just help me."


Once I get to my old dorm room, I go around cleaning it up a little. Luckily, I get to keep this room because of my scholarship.

After I clean up, I climb into bed curling up. I stare at the wall of pictures Emily and I put up a few months ago. I turned the other way so I didn't have to see them. Did I overreact too much? I don't think I did. I think what I did was the right thing.

If it were me that went out with Will, I wouldn't hear the end of it. I didn't feel like she was a threat to our relationship, it was the fact that Emily didn't tell me. She lied to me and said she was meeting with someone else then she went out drinking with her...

I just want to know if I'm good enough for her or not..? Was that asking too much?



I'm not playing her, I'll kill her with bare hands. HOTCH-FOYET STYLE, stop playing with me! 👏🏾👏🏾

Anyways, stay tuned 😈

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