Chapter 16

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"RUN!" Derek said while opening the backs door. John grabbed Renee and slung her on his back. Nicole and Sam stumbled out the door.

"Ha ha ha ha haaa..." Dr. Argon mumbled. "They won't make it far, why they can't get past the barrier!" He set off on a fast pace while placing metal gloves on both his hands. He clinks them in a repeated way as he sets off to the group of people. He smirks ruefully then runs to catch up with them.

"Look out, he's coming!" Nicole screeches just as Sam, who was leading, bounces off the barrier.

"We can't escape!" Sam yells and they form a circle around Renee. Dr. Argon runs faster and faster.

He stops abruptly right in front of Sam. They stand with their eyes on each other. Sweat beads down their foreheads. Their breath is ragged.

"Shit," Sam says. "Your insane too."

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