Chapter 14

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When I awoke, I found myself on my bed. John was nowhere to be seen and darkness loomed over the usually dark room. I sighed and got up.

I peered over to the white bookcase. I realized the words were no longer there. But how? I turned my light on and stood behind the bookcase. I laid my fingers where the words used to be. I began peeling back more paint. It came away more easily now and I felt an impression. I peeled away more until I found a hand imprint. I placed my hand on it. I began pushing inward. The hand was slightly larger than mine. Then the hand stopped. A ticking began.

As I stood up, I found a mini sun dial at the top of the bookcase. I realized it wasn't the sun but rather the moon it measured time with. I looked at the moon out my window then at the dial. The point was at the nine o'clock position. The ticking picked up on a rapid rate. I found a little slot where a green and red tab were fighting to my shown. The ticking stopped. Finally, the red popped into view. Who thought of this? What does it mean? I shook my head and went back to bed. Maybe it was only my insanity kicking in.

I tried closing my eyes but they were determined to stay open. I pushed myself up and walked downstairs. The back door was ajar and a small breeze slipped through the surprisingly still house. I stepped outside. No one was out. That's strange. I closed the door and stepped down onto the soft grass. A firefly buzzed into my view another one followed it. I watched them flicker across the grass. They were not locked up. They aren't used to be an experiment. They are free. I sighed with longing and stared up at the gigantic moon. I stood perfectly still for a minute.

A crunch of grass came from behind me. I turned to see Dr. Argon. He had a silly grin on his face. He reached his hands out.

"Renee..." My name slid out of his lips. My skin went pale. Okay he is really freaking me out. He grabbed my arms. One of his fingers on his right hand had a metal cap on it. It was freezing cold.

"Get away from me," I said quietly. He smile became more wicked and his grip tightened. "Get away from me!" I screeched. He let go of me with his right arm. I tried to yank his left away when he began bringing his right hand with a cap on it toward me. I swung out of the way.

"You're the first...I shall get you...I shall...I shall," He whispered creepily. What the heck is wrong with this guy, seriously? Then he grabbed my shoulder with his free hand. I instantly froze. He pointed his metal finger towards me. He tapped the notch in my neck. I felt a burning sensation. "Die..." He whispered and I fell to the ground

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