liv. fifty four

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imessage !

Today 3:27 PM

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Today 3:27 PM

hi 🙂

oh louis!
hey what's up?

nothing much
i was gonna ask something

go on

do you, by any chance, have dream's number?

yeah i do, you need it?

yes please
i want to talk to him

sure sure haha here
xxx xxx xxxx

thank you!

you're welcome :)

please take good care of my sister
and please don't tell anyone i asked you for his number

of course! you can count on me 😊
read 3:31 PM

of course! you can count on me 😊read 3:31 PM

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real life !

the reason of corpse's nervousness on karl's stream.

it was because of louis, luna's very protective younger brother.

despite being younger, louis acts more like the older sibling than luna does. to be fair, he's only 2 years younger than her.

louis is an intimidating teenager, especially when he's angry. oh, you would not want to get him mad. luna is scared of him when he's in his protective brother mode, even her friends are scared, thus the reason why corpse was in such panic when he saw the notification pop up on his phone, indicating that louis had messaged him.

luna and her brother might not talk to each other as much, they'd still check up on each other some times, and of course, he knows about what happened between luna and dream. how did he know? well someone told him, obviously. he also saw the leaked photos that spread on twitter, and tyson's tweet. he was furious.

plus, him watching karl's stream that time to check up on luna, finding out that dream was 'secretly' shitting on her, was like an icing on the cake. man, he's definitely mad-mad now.

- 🌙

luna had thought back to what happened days ago in karl's stream, sitting on the sofa with her head resting on the backrest, her arms spread along the back and her eyes closed. it has been a few days now, 3 days maybe and she hasn't joined another stream since. her heart was aching, thinking about it. she hates when hearts actually hurt when you're heart broken. it isn't a very pleasant feeling.

how could he say those things to her? and the worse part was, it was live on stream. checking twitter would just make her feel worse. she knows everyone would say that the person dream liked was an asshole.

he's the asshole in this story, oh how he has made the tables turn.

but even so, she still loves him.

why? she doesn't even know either.

she keeps trying to defend dream in her mind. it's like fighting herself.

'he hurt you!'

'i know.'

'he spread lies about you!'

'no one knows it's about me.'

'he humiliated you!'

'but he didn't know the truth...'

'still doesn't mean he could hurt you back.'

'he was right though, i deserved it.'

'he probably doesn't even like you anymore.'

her eyes snapped open at the thought, sitting up straight. luna breathed heavily. right, what if he actually gave up on her? what will she do then? would she also give up or would she chase him like she did back then to...


no it can't be.

he still likes her right?


but then...

"i honestly regret liking that person," the words came flying back to her mind. it's saying it over and over again, echoing in her brain.

luna tightly closes her eyes shut, holding her head as she lifted her knees up to her chest and bowing her head down, trying to stop the sentence that's been ruining her mind.

what a fucking nuisance.

always in her mind, 24/7. is it even possible for it to stop? can he stop running around her fucking mind?

stop. please stop.

it keeps going.

it's tiring her brain.

"LUNA!" she heard a faint scream, and footsteps approaching.

why does love have to be so difficult?

and everything went black.

and everything went black

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notes !

this is, i think, my first time writing a chapter which focuses on the antagonist's feelings and their thoughts so apologies if it was a bit cringey :(

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