"Hold still," Riley grumbles and before I realize what's going on the dog already escapes the bathroom with cleaner paws and Riley follows with a mop. Honestly, she looks intimidating when she stomps through the house like that, mopping up the dirt patches her dog left and that's now patiently sitting next to me where I perch by the kitchen island, carefully observing Riley.

Once she's put the mop away again and emerges from the bathroom, Riley stems her fists into her hips and exhales deeply, looking at the ceiling.

"Do you want a drink or something?" I cautiously ask with an amused smile twisting my lips up. Annoyed Riley is fun to watch. Even more when I don't think I'm the root cause for her annoyance.

"No, I'm good," Riley murmurs and trudges towards the grocery bags I completely forgot about. On the way she picks up the stray cans and apples and shoves them back into the bag before picking it up. The bags are wet and the paper isn't strong enough anymore to hold its contents. So before you know it, one bag rips apart at the bottom and everything clatters to the ground with loud clambering, clunks and thuds. "You fucking piece of shit," Riley cusses, stooping down to retrieve the rogue items.

Instinctively, I take two long strides and hunch down across from her and grab what I can reach. She didn't see me come closer and as she stretches to grab a net of lemons our foreheads collide with a bang.

"Ow!" The lemons drops to the ground again. Riley's face is really close to mine and I can feel her warm breath brush over my skin as my eyes find her blue ones. They look as wild as the weather outside – a rough and stirred blue ocean.

"Sorry," I mumble and grab the lemons for her. Holding the net up for her to take, I wonder when the last time was I apologized to anyone. I can't remember.

Riley yanks the lemons out of my grasp and rises to her feet. Grabbing another bag, that doesn't tear but looks really close to doing just that, she stomps off towards the kitchen.

I take the last bag and put it next to the other on the kitchen island. Unpacking the items, I watch Riley as she pulls out random drawers and puts stuff inside, taking a few trips to collect the items that fell out today the ripped bag.

She knows more about this kitchen than I do apparently, opening the fridge and almost slamming the door into my face before shoving a carton of almond milk inside. She turns away, the door shuts and I take a step forward to grab something from the counter. Riley spins again at the same time with a plastic bottle of juice in hand. Taking a step forward and reaching for the fridge, her soft curves crash into my front and the juice clatters to the kitchen floor.

Everything happens so fast that by instinct my hands wrap around her upper arms as I look down, inspecting the beautiful girl who seems a little dazed by everything that is going on as wild wisps of hair fall into her face. Hitting her head earlier and again against my chest might not have helped at all. Once more we are very close together and I see Riley's chest rise and fall, taking long breaths. I realize that yet again she isn't wearing a bra and the outline her now peaking nipples is visible under the fabric of her top. The jolt of electricity that shoots through me, makes me swallow hard before I can open my mouth to ask, "are you... uh, are you okay?"

"Get out of my fucking way." She wrestles out of my grasp and almost slams the fridge door into my face again before picking up the juice.

I abort my idea of helping and retreat to the couch I have been sitting on earlier. I listen and watch her shuffle around in the kitchen, involuntarily remembering how her athletic body and her soft feminine curves slammed into mine and how good that felt even if it was short-lived. How many breasts have I seen and touched in my days? Many, too many to remember, and never have I been stuttering or flustered. But this, this, throws me off my game.

Waves - Book #2 [completed]Where stories live. Discover now