Start from the beginning

Queen Hwasa stood in front of me with an angry expression. I quickly adjusted my nightgown and stood up.

Queen Hwasa: Glad someone is up... I thought I wouldn't see your pretty eye color today.

She rolled her eyes at me, and I wondered what she was so upset about. What time was it? I looked around for a clock but found none. Should I ask her? She didn't seem like she was in the mood to answer questions.

Queen Hwasa: I'm glad you're not opening your mouth in front of me, but you should greet your elders. Didn't your parents teach you that?

Her rudeness irked me, but I kept quiet and listened to her rant.

Y/n: Good morning.

Queen Hwasa: What's so good about the morning? It's already 7 AM, and you're still in your nightgown. You should be in Prince Ha-rin's room by now. What are you doing here, huh?

Y/n: I'm sorry, but who's Prince Ha-rin?

Queen Hwasa: Stop acting like you don't know.

Before she could finish her sentence or I could process anything, a slave entered the room and began folding the duvet I had been in just moments ago.

Before she could finish, another slave entered.

Slave: Queen, they have called you downstairs along with the new queen. King Wang said it's the best time to intro—

Queen Hwasa: Yeah, yeah, I know. Just go already.

The slave nodded and left. Queen Hwasa then shifted her gaze back to me.

Queen Hwasa: Has Prince Jeon already woken up? If not, go and wake him up now.

The slave nodded silently and left. Finally noticing my presence, Queen Hwasa turned back to me.

Queen Hwasa: As I'm your only sister-in-law, I should be in charge of telling you some basic rules of this kingdom. I expect that your sister, Queen Kim Scarlet, must have told you some, but I'm here to give you some basic information.

1. Greet the monarch with a curtsy or bow and address them as "Your Majesty."
2. When in the presence of royals, you must speak only when spoken to and maintain a respectful distance.
3. Forbidden to engage in public displays of affection.
4. Never wear shoes indoors; royalty should be barefoot or wear slippers.
5. Permission must be granted by the monarch for any travel outside the palace.
6. Participation in any form of entertainment or artistic endeavor is prohibited.
7. Royals are not allowed to express personal opinions or emotions in public.
8. Eating in front of commoners is forbidden, and royals must abstain from public dining.
9. Strict limitations on social interactions with non-royals; mingling with commoners is prohibited.
10. Royals are expected to wear formal attire at all times, even within the palace.
11. The use of technology and personal devices is strictly monitored and controlled.
12. Any form of physical activity or sports is restricted to private settings.
13. Personal hobbies and interests must be approved by the monarch before pursuit.
14. Public appearances and speeches must adhere to scripted content and approved subjects.
15. Any form of disobedience or rebellion against royal authority is met with severe consequences.

Queen Hwasa smiled bitterly at me.

Queen Hwasa: Now be ready in 15 minutes and come downstairs with the maids.

Y/n: Fifteen minutes? Just?

Queen Hwasa: Do you expect hours after waking up this late?

Is she serious? I roll my eyes at her and head to the nearby bathroom. I'm relieved that Queen Hwasa provided some clothes, even though they're not my preferred dark colors. I have no choice but to wear them since I don't have my own clothes here. Before walking out, I noticed some slaves following behind me. Were they standing outside like statues this whole time?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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