Without caring about the carnage around him he cleaned the blood off his two blades Superbia and Greed.

"My King, I highly suggest you to rest for a little... You're just hurting your body instead of strengthening it."

Igris spoke to him via the mind. Soon Beru also shared her own piece of opinion.

Like the Princess said. My Liege please... rest for a little bit and we watch over you."

Y/N shook his head in refusal.

He couldn't rest.

"I can't rest, both of you. I have to get stronger and I can feel myself getting stronger each day... This is the way to acquire more power... Destroying my body is the only way."

He spoke as opened his eyes wide trying to awaken himself.

It was obvious to assume that he hadn't slept a single minute on all these days and not sleeping made it all even more difficult.

Y/N didn't feel ashamed of being a human but sometimes... it was really annoying the weaknesses that his body put to him.

Why rest if he could do something more productive? Like gaining more power.

"You two keep on what I told you... Is that clear?"

Y/N had ordered the two shadows that if ever fell asleep the two of them would wake him up instantly.

"Yes, My King."

They both said... but a little doubt was in their voice.

Y/N heard some stomping noises and immediately got the feeling of danger.

He tensed up and looked forward and saw three big figures in the distance.

It was obvious that they were threats... and that was what he wanted. The more the merrier and the stronger the better.

They were close enough for Y/N to identify them and saw the three giant monsters and two flying ones towering over him and glaring at him as if he was a mere pest and an annoyance.

Their eyes were filled with the desire to kill

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Their eyes were filled with the desire to kill... and he would be more than glad to take them and turn that desire into fear.

Y/N smirked as his eyes turned purple and he started the assault before the monster could react.

He decided to attack with a single blade and leave his other hand free of any weapon. He loved to use his hand to crush monsters.

He jumped high in the air and reached the biggest monster's face and punched it right in the middle of the face.

Even if he was much smaller than the monsters his punch was like a way beyond them. The power of the attack sending the monster straight to the ground.

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now