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Sunghoon ran towards their apartment as his life depended on it. Sunghoon hurriedly searched for the keys in his pocket and opened it. When he entered the apartment there he saw Jake standing near kitchen. Sunghoon breathed in relief.

"J-jake." Sunghoon panted heavily.

"Are you okay, hoon-ah?" Jake hurriedly went towards the panting younger.

"Y-yeah I just need to breathe." Sunghoon smiled as Jake helped him to sit on couch. Both stayed silent for a while.

"I-I just came here to pack my bags. I'll go by tomorrow. You don't need to feel uncomfortable." Jake moved towards the kitchen, "And uhh I have made you some side dishes and bought some groceries. You can cook and eat since I won't be here from tomorrow. I am sorry for making this awkward. I am sorry for confessing." Jake continued cooking turning away from younger.

Jake flinched when he felt arms wrapping around his waist. "Hoon-ah." Jake softly called as Sunghoon tightened his grip.

"I am sorry for being dumb and selfish. I am sorry for being the worst kind of person but please don't take all the decisions by yourself when it involves both you and me." Sunghoon nuzzled his face on older's neck as Jake's breath hitch.

"Hoon-ah, No I am sorry for being the bad friend. I am sorry for falling for you when we are bestfriends. I am sorry for yelling at you. I am sorry for running away." Jake said as he pulled away from the strong hug. Jake turned towards the younger who was in the verge of crying.

"I'll pack my bags then." Jake smiled forcefully as he passed Sunghoon to leave towards his room.

"Jake." Sunghoon grabbed Jake's wrist, "Don't leave me. I'll die without you." Sunghoon pulled Jake towards him.

"Don't say so. You should live happily with Sunoo now. I'll be gone and with him you'll learn to be happier, and even learn to live. You'll do it, I trust you." Jake smiled again with teary eyes.

"No. No. No. Jakey not with anyone else. I can never be happier with anyone else. Please don't make me learn those things with other. Please be the only one who teaches those to me. Don't leave me." Sunghoon was now crying making Jake cry too.

"Hoon-ah, you like him and I like you. I cannot stay here by watching you being happy with him. I cannot. I will genuinely support you two but I cannot stay this close to you and watch you be happy with him. I cannot. I am sorry." Jake cried hard as Sunghoon pulled him in tight hug.

"I don't like him Jakey. I like you. I am not gonna be with him. Please... I like you." Sunghoon said as Jake frozed. 

Hope you liked it.💜

Thankyou for reading.💚

🙇‍♀️(90 degree bow)

Have a great day/night.🖤

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