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Dear Diary,

There is something that is going on and it's causing me a lot of trouble. I can't go to school without paparazzi looking for me. It's making my life a little bit messy. I have no idea how people can handle this. Let me start from the beginning.

Since you know Chris have been traveling all over the world to promote his new movie with Ana de Armas. Well it was time to come to Los Angeles, California. When he came home I prepared a really special dinner for him. I made his favorite food, put some candles in the table, open a bottle of wine, and we made love all night long.

The next day we got ready for his premiere. I wore a really cute blue short dress with one sleeve and some silver shoes. The girls made my hair and makeup look natural and I looked cute. Chris was handsome as always. He was still with the idea of me going with him to the premiere. I was a little bit nervous since Megan was going as well. And I'm pretty sure she hates me.

"Hey Lu, you ready?"he asked as he entered the room. The girls were making the last touches of makeup

"Wow! You look beautiful."he said as he looked at me.

"Thank you" I said blushing. Chris smiled at me as he offered his arm for me to take. We got in the car and drove to the premiere. I was looking through the window when he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I looked at him and he had an smile in his face.

"I'm glad you're here with me." He said as he touched my face softly. I smiled and leaned on him.

"I'm glad to be here."I said close my eyes and enjoyed the moment. I sat up when I heard the screams. The door was opened by security and Chris got out, he offered his hands for me to take. I grabbed it and got out of the car with him. Cameras were flashing and people were screaming. I felt his hand on my waist making me walk next to him. He said hi to some fans and sign some autographs. I was just by his side smiling at him. I heard some fans saying how lucky I was to have him as my friend and to be his assistant.

We were in the middle of the red carpet I heard someone screaming the name of Ana. I turn around and saw that Ana was coming. Megan was by our side and she grabbed my arm so Chris and Ana could take some pictures together. They were smiling and I have to admit they looked really good. Then something happened that made me really sad and hurt. Ana kissed Chris. I gasped and had to turn around. When I turn back I saw that Chris was looking at me. He then walked to me and grab my hand to take me inside the building. I was dragged inside the building while paparazzi took pictures.

"Lucy, I'm so sorry you had to see that. That wasn't part of the plan. I'm going to talk to Ana to see what happened I don't know why she did that. Are you okay?" He said. I guess I was speechless or in shock. Because I couldn't talk until Megan came almost running to us.

"Chris! Why did you run off like that with her? People are going crazy outside because of that action. You supposed to be with your girlfriend Ana, remember her?" Megan said.

Chris grab her by her arm and told her that he didn't approve a kiss from Ana. He didn't like it at all. Then Ana came and apologize to Chris saying that her publicist made her do it. But it was all for the camera. Chris then looked at me and I faked a smile.

"It's okay. I'm fine."  I whisper to him as people looked at us."we should go watch the movie." I said and we went to the theater. We watch and it was good, we then went to the party and had some fun. Chris and I decided to go home. When we got inside of the car, I had to admit that I was quiet all the way home. When we arrived home, Chris close the door and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Baby I'm really really sorry you had to see that." He said as he kissed my neck.

"It's all right Chris. I knew that sooner or later this was going to happen. When you agreed to fake this relationship for publicity, I knew that this was all a show for the cameras. Just one thing please. Never have sex with her. I don't think I can handle that, and I believe there won't be cameras." I said and he laughed.

"Never baby I promise. She will never be in our bed."he said as he kissed me. I smiled at that kiss and then we went to bed in each other arms.

The next morning my phone was buzzing like crazy. I was with Chris' arms around my waist and his head on my chest when I grab my phone. I had like hundreds of notifications. From Instagram, Twitter and messages.

I sat up rapidly as I looked at the headline.  Chris Evans love triangle?

"Love, what's wrong?" Chris said in a sleepy voice. As he sat up and rub my back.

"Is Chris Evans in a love triangle with his movie co-star Ana de Armas and his best friend Lucia López? In the movie premier, Chris Evans and Ana de Armas confirmed their relationship with a kiss which caused Lucia López to have a hurtful look on her face causing the rumors that Lucia has fallen in love with her best friend, Chris Evans. Moments later, Chris took Lucia by the hand to the inside of the theater, causing fans to guess that something is going on between those two. Fans have made hashtags #teamLucy and #TeamAna to support their favorite girl for Chris. Who do you think is the perfect girl for Chris?" I read out loud to Chris while he looked from my shoulder to my phone.

"Gosh I'm so sorry Lucy. I shouldn't have pulled you inside the theater like that." He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"No. I should be the one apologizing for not controlling my emotions. I know how much this movie means to you and I know how much you hate gossip. You should tell the media that there is nothing going on between us so they could still think that you are dating Ana." I said.

Chris looked at me and then he got up. He grabbed his phone and went to talk to Megan, his publicist. I got up, took a shower and got ready to go to work. Chris stayed home to try and solve this situation. When I arrive to school, I saw a lot of paparazzi. They were trying to take pictures of me.

A few hours later, I was called to the principal office. When I arrived to the office, the director of the cultural program was there. The director wanted to talk to me about the situation. He thought that having me as a teacher was causing a lot of trouble. This cultural program was a serious institution and having me being in the public eye was not good for it. He said that my contract was going to be over soon and that I couldn't be in the country for long since my working visa was going to the expire as well. He told me he was very sorry. I felt like my world was crashing down into me. All my dreams of being a teacher were going into the trash just because I fell in love with an actor.

Later that day, I went home and saw that Chris was not there. I took a shower to relax and grab you to write about my day. I don't know how I'm going to tell Chris that this situation is causing me trouble. That I have to leave the country soon. It breaks my heart to tell him that I can't be with him anymore. I have to see how I have to solve  this migration issue.



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