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Dear Diary,

A few months  had passed since I wrote on you. I have sad news. the most horrible thing has happened to my family. My mom, my mother has passed away. This few months I haven't talk to Chris. Well... we just had said hello when we passed each other in the driveway. Or whenever I go get Dodger to walk with Mika and me.  Is not that we hate each other or anything but it is kind of awkard after we broke our friends with benefits relationship. 

This few months, I had been going out with Diego, the mexican cute actor and singer. He is really sweet and cute. We had gone on many dates. We often go out with Scott and Zach as well. Have we kissed? No we haven't. He had tried many times. But I tell him, I'm not ready... do I want to kiss him? Of course I do! But I don't know what is stopping me. Everytime I want to kiss him, Chris pops out of my mind. And I hate that because, I know for a fact that Chris has his hookups. I see the girls go out of their house really late at night. He never lets them sleep in his house. And sometimes Scott comes and sleeps over.

Scott, Diego and I were watching movies in my house when I received a call from my dad telling me that mom had an accident and didn't make it. It all felt like slow motion. I saw Scott and Diego watching a movie. I hang up the phone and I don't remember much. I just remember being in the floor, inside of Chris arms while I cried and screamed and he hold me tight.

He carried me and took me to the living room sitting me in his lap. While I curled into his arms and cried. Then I heard Scott shouting my name and stopping as he looked at us.

"What happened?" He asked as he sat next to us and ran his hand on my hair.

"I don't know... She knock on the door, I just opened and she colapsed on my arms." Chris voice said. I had my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and saw Diego with a serious look on his face. He looked jelous and hurt. Maybe since I ran to Chris instead of him.

"My mom had an accident. She died" I said as I cried more. Then Diego face softened and sat on the sofa.

"I'm so sorry babe" Diego said. I smiled and then looked at Scott and then Chris who still had his arms around me. I looked at Diego and then got up from Chris lap. I sat next to Diego.

"Thanks"I said as he hugged me, making Chris look down. He then got up and went to grab me a glass of water. Then Scott said he was going to look for a flight for me to Guanajuato, Mexico, my hometown.

Diego said he was so sorry but he couldn't go with me since he had a contract with netflix and needed to film some episodes. I told him that it was okay. He didn't have to. He wasn't my boyfriend of anything. He then had to leave and Scott and Chris stayed with me.

"I couldn't find a fight for tomorrow." Scott said sitting down. 

"I'll make a call"Chris said as he got up and went to his studio. He then camed and told us that a friend was going to let us borrow a private plane and we are leaving tonight. 

"We?" I asked. 

"Yeah... you are not going to be alone. I will go with you. Is that okay?" He asked. That gesture meade me cried more. I was so grateful. 

"Yes!I will love that. Thank you!" I said as I went to hug him tight.  "But people will see you." I said in his arms. 

"Well everyone knows you are my asssistant. You are also my friend and I will be with my friend in time of need."  He said as he kissed the top of my head. I smiled and then we went and packed some clothes. I called the school and they told me that they will give me a week off. We went to the airport and flyed to Guanajuato, México. My brother camed and picked us up and we went home. My dad was there and he cried when he hugged me . I introduced him to Chris. 

"You are the famous Chris, the one that contact us for the plane tickets. Thank you for coming" Dad said with his thick mexican accent. 

"Yes, that is me. I'm sorry for your loss" He said. Then my dad showed Chris the guest room and he left us.  I showed him the bathroom that we all share and then we went to sleep since it was late. The next morning, I was awaken by my brother for breakfast. Chris was already awake, drinking coffee. Then we went to the funeral. My whole family was there. They said hello to Chris since they met him in my grandma's birthday. Chris stood by my side the whole time. After the funeral, we went to bury her and that is when I collapsed. I was broken and Chris hold me tight and never let go. He said a few soothing words and let me cried in his arms. 

After the funeral, my brother, dad, Chris and I went home. I went directly to my room and Chris came, I fell asleep in his arms while he made circles in my back. Then we spend a few days at home. The last day I needed to get out and think about something else. I knew my mother would love me to show Chris the town. Guanajuato is beautiful and my mom was really proud of it. 

We went and showed him the places where the movie COCO was inspired. We ate ice cream and heard beautiful music. I showed him all the churches and bought him a really nice cute necklace. He loved it. We took pictures and saw the whole city. We ate mexican food and I found out that Chris is not really good with spicy. I had somuch fun with him. He was really sweet and goofy.

It was dark already and we went to the monument called "Pipila". It is a big statue that is on top of a hill. You can see the whole city. We went and sat next to each other. Then something happened. Something that made me  sad and confuse at the same time. While we were watching the city, whithout notice we were holding hands. I looked at our hands and then I looked at him.  The light of the moon made him look like a greek god. He notice my stare and looked at me. His blue eyes sparkled with the lights. He smiled at me and then looked away. That is when I notice, I was in big BIG TROUBLE, I had fallen in love with my best friend, my neighbor, with my ex fuck buddy. With Chris Fucking Evans. 



Dear Diary... (A Chris Evans story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin