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Dear Diary, 

ALOT AND I MEAN ALOOOOOT has happened this few days that I haven't written on you. I've been super busy with work and my social life. Let me tell you some things that I have done this days.  I met Chris and Scott family. They are soooo nice and caring. I met his mom and sisters. Their nephew and niece are soooo cute. Well let me tell you how I met them. 

Like everyday I went to Chris house since I had a few days I haven't seen the boys because they left out of town for a few days. I  tried to open the door but a women with light hair and blue eyes opened the door before me. 

"Oh! Hello!" She said with a kind smile. 

"Hello" I said in a little bit of shock. 

"Are you looking for Chris or Scott?" She asked with a smile. 

"Ummm both? My name is Lucy, I'm the next door neighbor" I said and smile. 

"Oh! You are the one that has been feeding my boys! Come in, they went to get their sisters. We are going to have a family barbeque." she said. 

"Oh no... if you are having a family barbeque, I should go-" I said as Chris walked behind me causing me to bump into him. 

"Where are you going? You are not going anywhere" He said as he looked down at me and smile. "Miss me? because I sure did" he said looking at my eyes. I smiled and nodded my head. He laughed and hugged me by picking me up by my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked behind his shoulder and saw Scott and two women walking inside. 

"Hey scott!" I said as I was still in Chris arms. Chris let me down and I went to hug Scott. 

"Family... this looser here is my favorite girl in the world. No offense Shanna!" Scott said to his sister. 

"None taken!" Shanna, their sister said smiling at me. "I'm Shanna and this is my sister Carly."She said pointing at the other women. Both were wearing jeans and t-shirt. Really casual. They looked so nice. 

"Hello.. I'm Lucy" I said shaking their hands. 

"Are you and Chris....." Carly said looking at us. We both laughed. 

"Oh nooo! He wishes!" I said and then Chris looked at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"Oh really?" He said trying to tickle me. He knows I'm ticklish. We laughed and then they went to the kitchen to prepare the food. I was about to help them when Chris stopped me and then he whispered at my ear. 

"I wish? Really? Should I remind to that you had been the one that had kissed me before?"He  said. 

"Uuug! We agreed not to talk about that!" I whispered back. He laughed and we walked and help on the barbeque. We ate and I played with the kids. It was  fun. Lisa and her daughters kept looking at me. 

When it was time to go home, Chris walked me home, no before Lisa screamed to Chris "You better bring her to thanksgiving dinner!" 

"I will come Lisa! Thank you" I screamed back causing Chris to laugh. 

When we arrived home, Chris smiled at me. "My family likes you." He said.

"I like them too.. They are so nice." I said opening the door and scratching Mika's head. Chris came in and played a little with Mika.

"Scott and I are going to a party with a bunch of theater kids. Wanna come?" he asked.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. Dress casual. We are just going to eat pizza and drink beer and sing musicals and broadway. And play drama games. It's a anual thing we kids that were in a drama club do. You wanna go?" He asked scratching the back of his neck.

Dear Diary... (A Chris Evans story)Where stories live. Discover now