Again and Again

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Dear Diary,

This few months had been super crazy. After Christmas, I went and spend New Year's with my family in L.A. My mom and dad came, thanks to Chris who bought them tickets. We went to Disneyland and had lots of fun. I missed them so much. We stayed with my mom's sister. Chris wanted us to stay in his L. A house but I told him, it was too much. He texted me every day to make sure I was okay.

On the holidays party, there is always a family memeber who always tries to beat you in everything. In my case, it was my cousin Teresa. She always wanted to outshine me in everything. She had the best clothes, shoes and was working in a fashion clothing store as a manager. She had a cute boyfriend and since I'm single, she made it clear to my family that I was going to be single my whole life.

My grandma was worried that I was going to stay alone forever and not have children. I was already 28 and had no boyfriend. So the whole time I stayed in L.A. I had to hear my family worry about my love life and my cousin brag about her perfect life.

When it was time for me to go back to Boston, my family left back to Mexico but we agreed to come back in April for my grandma's and my birthday. Since we have the same birthday month, we were going to have a big party for both of us. My birthday is on April 27th and my grandma's on April 20th.

When I was going back to Boston, Scott texted me and told me that he was going to pick me up from the airport. He had a huuge gossip he wanted to share with me. He picked me up and we went for drinks and something to eat. He told me about this guy he really likes and that he likes him back. They had gone to some dates together and he feels like he is the one. I was so happy for him. Scott is like a brother to me. His family is so nice. They are like a second family to me.

We then got home and his whole family was there. They made me a surprise welcome dinner. I was so touched by the gesture that I cried. Chris came and hugged me and kissed my hair. I hugged him back and the whole family came to the hug. I thanked them and then we ate. They made chicken, salad, macarroni and cheese. We had cake, beer and had so much fun.

Later that night, they all left home and Chris and Scott helped me clean. Then Scott got a call from his new guy and told us that he was going out, and was  coming back tomorrow. We laughed and he left.

"Sooo.... How was your L.A. trip?" He asked. I told him about it and about my cousin Teresa.

"Sounds like a bitch" He said taking a sip from his beer.

"She is..." I said as I grab his beer and took a sip.  He looked at me with a look that I can't describe. His eyes got bluer and his face got serious.

"What are you-" I started to say but was interrupted by some hungry lips crashing into mine. His arm snaked my waist as his big hand cupped my face. I was in shock but I kissed him back with the same hunger. I missed those lips. He picked me up and placed me on the counter. He kissed ny neck and riped my shirt, making the buttons fly all around the kitchen reaveling my baby blue lace bra. His eyes scan my breast and whispered the word beautiful.

He kissed my breast and then his tongue touched my nipple, making me moan of pleassure.

"Take me to my room" I said as I moaned in his arms.

"With pleassure" He said as he picked me up and wrapped my legs around him. I kissed and suck his neck and he took me to my room. I grab a condom from my night stand and he fucked me sooo good.

After we both cum, we layed in bed looking at the ceiling. We looked at each other and laughed. He covered his face with his hands.

"Man! You are so adictive and when you sip my beer, that was so fuckinh hot" He said as he turned to me.

"Yeah... Well I thought we were not going to do this again" I said.

"Couldn't help it. Sorry."Chris said.

" Nah... I liked it. It was hot. By the way, you own me a new shirt"I said as I got up and went to took a shower. "Want to join me?" I asked and he smiled and came. We both took a shower and talked alittle in bed. We agreed that we were going to be fuck buddies thanks to his fear of Commitment and ny fear of falling in love again. We agreed that if something happens and we want to stop this, we will be friends like always. That if we think that this is affecting our friendship, we will stop. That we don't get jelous if we go out with others, and if we have other sexual partners, to use protection at all times. Our relation will be a secret, not even Scott could know.

"Most important rule" I said as I leaned to him and looked at his blue eyes. "Don't fall in love with me." I said. He laughed and he looked at my eyes.

"I won't" He said. We stayed the night together and he left in the morning before Scott came. We had our normal life. Some night we have sex in my place and some in his place. People didn't notice since we are always in each others house. Some times he goes out on dates and some times I go out on dates. I don’t know if he hooks up with them, but I sometimes do.

So this is my life now... I'm a elementary spanish teacher at day and have sex with Chris Evans at night. How did I get here?



Dear Diary... (A Chris Evans story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن