Chapter 10: Jay's funeral

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Everybody in the monastery woke up dreading this day, especially Cole and Nya. 

They all got dressed up and left to the park.

(1 Hour later)

Zane stood up on the podium.

"We are all gathered here today to mourn the loss of a friend, master of lighting, and a brother."

Each of the ninja got to say things about Jay.

"He was my best friend, he always knew how to cheer me up."

"He was my sister's yang, and I respected him for it."

"He my yang, my love, my everything."

"He sacrificed himself to save us, and there is nothing I wouldn't trade to see him again."

Then Wu went.

"He was my student, the master of lighting, and the greatest ninja that ever lived."

Wu walked away after his speech.

He couldn't handle the fact how he has now lost two students.

Zane, PIXAL, and Cyrus Borg walked up to the podium.

"Over the past day, we have been working on this, for Jay." Cyrus Borg stated.

Zane pulled the sheet off, revealing a huge statue for Jay.

The whole city was silent that day.

This was the first time they heard about this.

When they got back to the monastery.

Nobody said or did anything.

Only Zane, PIXAL, Misako, Kai, and Lloyd came to dinner.

It was truly the saddest day for all of ninjago.


(In a desert, two villains lived in bunker away from society.)

"Whats this about a council?"

"It says here that four villains got captured tonight."


"People called Pythor, Vangelis, Mr. E, and a mechanic."

"A mechanic, you say? Maybe he could help us with this." he said pointing to the table.

End of part 1

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