Chapter 9: The End of the Council

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 The helicopter landed at a building.

Unknown to the council, the police were at the building waiting for them.

The police ran up catching Mr. E, Vangelis, Pythor, and the mechanic.

7 jumped of the building landing in a dumpster. 

They ran as fast as they could into another abandoned warehouse. 

Opening the door, 7 took of their mask.

"YOU'VE FAILED ME, CHILD!" a voice screamed at them.

"I know, my lord, but I have a better plan."


"I know we got to a place I haven't been to in a long time."


"A place called Prime Evils Eye."


Cole and Vania jumped of the bounty.

They were both in shock.

Shintaro, was destroyed.

A guard walked up to them.

"Very few survived, my queen." he said nearly falling while trying to bow.

"The survivors are over there." he pointed to a destroy building.

The top of the building fell, killing the survivors.

The guard looked at his friends before grabbing his chest and falling to the floor.

Everybody who lived in Shintaro, was gone.

Vania began to cry.

"Vania, it's okay. We'll rebuild it." Cole said trying to comfort her.

"NO COLE!" she screamed at him, causing him to step back.

"This is all my fault! I should've been here! I should've protected my people!"

"Now I have no home, no money, no nothing!"

Cole placed a hand on Vania's shoulder.

"Listen Vania, you have a place to stay. You're not alone."

Cole hugged her as she cried in his shoulder.

"Let's go back to the monastery, I can't handle this and tomorrow. You can have the spare room." 

I know how you feel: A Ninjago storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora