new (Taekook)

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being a vampire is-and isn't as cool as it sounds.

especially being apart of the royals. in our kingdom, we hold humans and vampires. a lot of the humans don't like us, as we are a vampire family ruling the land they live on.

but it's also quite fun. i get to shape shift into a bat? and i even have super strength and speed. but, the discrimination isn't very...enjoyable. we get death threats every day, even when they know we're immortal. 

it's an interesting life, that's for sure.


"Kim Taehyung! what are you doing? you're supposed to be getting ready for the party!"

"oh yeah, okay i will."

Ah yes, the party. well- more like an anniversary. It's the 2732nd year of our family ruling this land. so every 100 years, we throw an anniversary party.

every year is a different theme. this time, it's a masquerade party. so masks! yay!

My mother slammed my door and i groaned. i finally decided to get ready and put on my black suit with my lace mask over my eyes. i slick back my hair and make sure i look presentable.

"Taehyung i told you to do a side part on your hair not...whatever that is!"

I sigh at my mother. We're about to go outside where the party's being held, but of course she just had to say something.

"It isn't the 1800's anymore mom," i roll my eyes. she sighs,

"Taehyung you just never listen, do you?"

"not to you, no."

Before she could reply, the doors opened and everyone at the party turned to see the royal family enter.

"Welcome! on this day, we celebrate our long lasting ruling of this land. please, enjoy the party!" the king roared, aka my dad. Everyone clapped and went back to what they were doing.

I was not really up for a party right now, so i went to the garden, where i saw another figure sitting down on one of the benches.

"Not enjoying the party?" i ask, sitting next to the mysterious boy.

"it's not that. it's just i'm scared." he admits.


"Because of these vampires, they could eat me up any minute of the day and i wouldn't know. i don't even kmow why i'm here."

oh, ouch.

I guess he noticed my silence and looked up, from the parts of the face the mask didn't cover, i saw the color drain. he saw my paleness and fangs stick out from under my lips.

"oh- im...uh.." he stuttered.

"It's okay. id be afraid too. but i won't eat you up, i promise." i laugh, he didn't.

"Hm, okay. who are you?"

oh, i didn't want to reveal my identity, he might hate me even more.

"ah, that's the mystery of tonight, isn't it?"

He sighed,

"I suppose you're right. i'll trust you, though."

I smiled at that, he was cute, i could tell. although him hating vampires was kind of a turn off.

"Will we meet again?" he then asks.

"Maybe, if fate brings us together."

He nods,

"Then, until fate decides for us."

"Until it's decided."

And that's the last i saw of the boy. over the next few coming days, he couldn't- no, WOULDNT leave my mind. i wanted to know who he was so desperately.

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