awkward (minjoon)

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Today was the first day of class.

Namjoon got ready, he styled his hair, brushed his pearly whites, got dressed in a long trench blazer and some black dress pants, spraying on some cologne.

he went downstairs and made some bagels, he was super excited for-


"hey bud! excited for the first day of 1st grade?"

the little boy nodded, putting on his backpack that made him look small.

Namjoon smiled and handed the 7 year old his bagel with cream cheese.

"Okay, oh- Kahyun your hair is all messed up.." Namjoon quickly fixes the boys hair,

"daddy can i sit in the front?!" the boy begged.

"That's only for driving to the mailbox, not to school on real roads, mkay bud?"


They both get settled into the car, Namjoon kinda nervous and excited to meet the teachers.

Today was the day that parents also get to meet the teachers, and get too look around the school and get to see where their kids will be for the next few years.

Namjoon finally parks, helping his son out of the car, and even holds his backpack for him.

"Hold my hand when we cross the street," Namjoon says. the boy had to reach high due to Namjoon being so tall.

He saw other parents as well, but a lot of them were staring at him.

They all looked to be in their 30's, while Namjoon was young, only at 23.

He got gross rude looks, seeing as 1st, everyone knew he was a teen dad and 2nd, there was no mother.

"daddy why are people staring?" Kahyun asked.

Namjoon looked down and smiled,

"Because you're so cute!!"

The little boy laughed at his silly dad,

they both stop at a door,

"Okay kiddo, this is your classroom."

They both cautiously walk inside, looking around.

Kahyuns grip on Namjoons hand tightened, as what was assumably the teacher walking their way.

"Hi! i'm Mr.Park, welcome to our classroom, and what might be your name?"

The little boy gulped,

"I'm...Kim Kahyun." He shyly replied, Mr.Park smiled a warm smile,

"There are some kids over there coloring, want to join them?"

In the speed of light, the boy ran over, and started to make some friends.

Namjoon smiled at the interaction, then turned to the teacher who was still standing in front of him,

"I'm, uh, i'm Kim Namjoon, his dad."

The teacher smiled,

"Park Jimin, his teacher."

"I hope he doesn't cause too much trouble, he can be a little...talkative." Namjoon says, making Jimin laugh,

"Not to worry! i'm sure he'll be a great student."


"Well i guess i should be going! um, i'll just give him his backpack." Namjoon said, Jimin smiled and nodded, letting the poor man leave,

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