touch deprived (Taekook)

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10 years ago...

"Mom!? mom where are you?" the 9 year old yelled, looking for his mother. He ran outside and saw absolutely no one. Usually, these streets would be packed 24/7. But he found no one.

"hello??!!!" he yelled, banging on random doors.

When receiving no reply, and fell to the floor and let the tears seep out. What was he going to do? everyone disappeared! as a nine year old, he was innocent, clueless, and scared.


Taehyung woke up from his crazy nap, after dreaming about the very same night 10 years ago.

The 19- year old climbed out of his tree hut and started to hunt.

The nature took over the cities and everything else, animals started to roam everywhere without any human predators.

Except Taehyung, of course.

he tied his long hair up with a tie and grabbed his bow and arrow, which he made himself from wood. It was a proud moment for him.

his green eyes moved quickly as he hopped from one tree to another, soon landing on old, broken buildings of which were covered in vines.

"i see you..." he muttered as he spotted a pig.

slowly reaching back with his arrow, aiming closely, he let go and shot the pig right in the side.

He then chased after the wounded animal and leaped on top of it, suffocating it.

once it stopped thrashing and resisting, it finally died in his arms.

Breakfast is served.

Taehyung has been alone ever since that day 10-years ago. He still doesn't have an explanation for it either.

he learned hunting and survival over the years, and made himself a small hut in the biggest tree he could find.

he filtered out water with rocks and gravel, or just boiling it.

But, as anyone would be, he was lonely. He was scared of living like this forever. He didn't want to be like this anymore. Alone. Bored. tired.

It was hard not to go psycho, but he managed by writing in journals and talking to his pet monkey whom he tamed about 3 years ago.

after eating the pig, and feeding his monkey, it was time to actually pass the time.

He was bored.

So he decided to make another flower crown to add to his collection.

Of course, he could go and add more plants to his garden down below, but as nature grows by itself, flowers are already blooming.

He grabs the vine and climbs all the way down. He sets off to find new and unique flowers, maybe something he's never seen before.

He was walking in the now plant infested road, he hums a tune.

Until he stops, after hearing static.

"W-who's there...?" he says, scared.

He walks closer to the building of which the sound came from.

He pushes the door open, and sees a young man huddled up in a corner, playing with something, most likely a radio.

The boy turns and sees Taehyung, quickly scurrying up and starts to run.

"Hey- please don't run!" Taehyung shouts, chasing him.

He wonders where he came from, he's never seen him before.

After awhile, the boys caught in a dead end.

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