"Yea. He asked me to be his boyfriend."

"Oh shit. What'd you say?"

"Nothing. Said I'd think about it."

"Do you like him?"

"Yea. I mean I guess. He's really sweet. But.."

"But what?"

"He's known for going around with everybody. I don't want to be put in a trophy case full of gold and silver, man." I said with a small voice. "I want the only one there. And platinum, you know."

"Dude chill out, you've never had a boyfriend. You are gonna have to go through a few of those to reach that platinum, you know that right?"

I sighed into the phone and there was a knock at my door. "One sec, Heeseung."

I got out of bed and opened my door. Jisung was standing outside it. "Everyone is leaving for school." He informed.

"I'm not going today."

"Oh why?" His brows furrowed.

"I don't feel good. I don't think dinner settled well in my stomach last night." I gave him a small smile and he nodded.

"Oh. Well if you need anything, text me okay?" He reached up and twirled a piece of my hair in his fingers. "Try to feel better." He disappeared down the end of the hall and I looked over to see Felix leaning against his doorway. He rolled his eyes and disappeared back into his room.

I scoffed and closed my door before returning to my phone.

"Okay I'm back." I spoke but I could hear Heeseung fake snoozing on the other line. "Really?"

He erupted in a fit of laughter. "Sorry. What was it?"

"Someone was at my door." I didn't speak a name.

"Ohhh. Hey, which one did you hook up with?"

"Doesn't matter." I wanted to change the topic.

"Will you tell me if I guess it right?"


"Why noooooot." He over exaggerated his tone dragging out his words.

"Because you'll rub it in my face." I said.

"Well, I won't stop bugging you until you tell me either." Fair point. It was Heeseung, that's what he did. When he wants information he won't stop until he gets it.


"Was it Felix?" Again, I could practically feel hun poking me.


"Oh, is it the other Australian boy?"

"Hah. No. Chan is not my type." I made a face as I walked into my bathroom.

"Oh. The really sweet one with glasses! The one with the cute cheeks you showed me a picture of. Fuck what's his name!?" He was spiraling.

"Jisung is his name and yes. Yes it was him."

"Oh my god! You bagged the cutie!" His tone got a little higher. The way he said it made me smile.

"Yea. But like I said. He has a reputation, Heeseung."


"So. Like I said before."

"Jinnie. I know this cliche to say, but what if it's not the same thing. Not to mention, a reputation is completely different than who people actually are. High school rumors start reputations, not actions."

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