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I stood in front of the sink, rinsing my face with cold water, getting the ends of my hair wet and the collar of my freshly thrown on shirt. But I didn't bother to care.

Wiping my hands on the hand towels, I turned around and leaned against the bathroom counter. Drying my face as slowly as I could to try, no longer having any emotional or physical energy to put up with anything.

I could here San and Joong downstairs, laughing loudly like usual and drowning out the already faded sound of the tv. My hands hit the counter top softly and I kept my eyes closed, my head sucked between my shoulders.

I sank down to the bathroom floor, pushing my head back to touch the counter behind me. No energy, not even to walk back to my bedroom. I can't even stand anymore, everything was so physically drained for my body as if overexerting myself wasn't such a good idea.

I just wanted to close my eyes and let it all just fade away as I slept. Maybe I'd sleep so deeply I'd forget it all tomorrow. Forget every last hurtful word, that was meant to hurt but not meant to strike so deeply. Would it be possible to forget something that wounded me so badly?

Or would my mind be so stuck in it that it made even my sleeping state overwhelming, turning simple dreams into nightmares?

"Hyunjin?" I heard Felix's voice and I instantly snapped my head up and quickly shot up on my feet. I hadn't heard them come home, or I just wasn't paying attention.

"Felix! Hi, I did- I didn't hear you guys come home." I laughed off my previous state hoping he'd ignore if i acted fine.

"Yea, just now- what were you doing in here?" He quickly change the topic back to what I was praying he would ignore.

"Nothing. I'm just tired. I see you got your lip pierced." I once again brushed it off, tried to deflect and once again he didn't fall for it. He stepped into the bathroom closing the door behind him with a soft click.

"I'm not a fool, baby." He spoke softly and I sighed. "Come here." He opened his arms out to me and every muscle and nerve in me pushed me towards him with even a thought or hesitation. "Was it that bad?" He asked, stroking my hair as I nuzzled my face into his neck, nodding at his answer.

"He's so disappointed in me Lix. So disappointed." I whined. I was used to feeling like a family disappointment to my mother. But to my best friend, my brother? That was a whole new level of hurt that I never knew. A level I wish I didn't have to experience.

"He will calm down." Felix hugged me tighter. "Come on, I'm sure Jeongin is waiting his the room already.

He took my hand and led us out of the bathroom to join Jeongin. Immediately upon seeing him, I knew what I needed, and immediately upon seeing me he knew it too. His face softened and instantly wrapped his arms around me when I sank into the bed next to him.

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