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We sat the pillows of my bed. Huening Kai was fisting his hair in frustration of not understanding the study guide. Flames fuming out his nose as he huffed. I couldn't help but chuckle at his frustrations.

"What's so funny?" He spewed, with a less than intimidating glare. It made me laugh more.

"Nothing, it's just.. I invited you over here to study together. Yet, you are here struggling as you try to study by yourself." I admitted what I found a but humorous.

"Sorry. You're right."

There was music blasting in the distance down the hall. Probably from one of the twins rooms. It wasn't loud enough to disrupt the thinking process, but still loud enough to hear coherently. My bet was San's room, cause Hongjoong is over and I assume the music is to mask whatever noises are going on beyond the walls and the loud lyrics.

I tried not to think about it long enough to picture it, I did not need that image in my head.

The sunlight from the window was filtering in, getting brighter only when clouds moved past the sun for a split second. Then they'd cover it up again, dimming the room slightly. The heater kicked on, causing the curtains to flow a little abs the humming sound filled the air.

The floorboards of the hall creaked and the rustic turning of hinges on a door as someone entered Hyunjin's room across that hall. Probably Felix and Hyunjin, himself.

There were faint whispers of a conversation I couldn't hear before the door shut, closing the noise off completely.

"You okay?" Huening Kai asked and I snapped back to here.

"Yea, just all the noises distracted me for a second. I'm good, though." I scooted an inch or two closer, as we decided to start discussing the material.

In the mist of the discussion and review our study guides I couldn't help but ask, "How are you and your.. uhm.. person doing?" Completely forgetting what he would be called.

"We are fine. He started to lean more into the idea of becoming official soon. So that's something."

"I bet it's exciting." I smiled at him and he nodded.

"Yea. I don't know, I've just never liked someone this much since yo-" he stopped himself and I didn't press, knowing very well what he was going to say.

"I'm glad you're happy, Hyuka."

"Thanks, Innie."

There was a thin layer of awkward silence after that, but not for long as we heard loud laughter burst into the hallway and running footsteps. A laughter I knew well, but a voice chasing after him that I didn't know at all.

"Hyunjin, get your ass back here!" The stranger yelled. Hyuka and I shared a curious look as we both climbed off my bed and peeked out my bedroom doorway. The first thing I saw was someone I assumed to be the owner of the new voice stomping down the stairs.

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