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"Do you really have to go?" I pouted as I clung onto Jeongin. The train station was loud and crowded.

"I wish I didn't. But my parents miss me apparently. I'll never hear the end of it if I don't show up." He caressed my cheek. "It's only a week baby, I'll be back before you know it."

I only pouted more and buried my face in his neck. After yesterday, I had become incredibly clingy. Especially after the movie. He couldn't leave my sight, or go anywhere without me following him like a lovesick puppy.

"Promise to call me everyday?" My voice was muffled by his neck. "No, every hour. And text me to let me know you're okay?"

"Baby my phone will become a part of me while I'm away." He made me stand up straight. "Plus, if my parents are anything like their usual selfies, I'll be one the phone with you by the time I get there all the way until i get back."

"Okay." I nodded. I felt like a child letting a  sibling borrow my favorite teddy bear. I hated it.

"I have to board now, I love you." He said and I stole kiss before he could walk away. He smiled at my action.

I watched him disappear onto the train and clutched my sweater in my hands.

"Jesus, Hyunjin. He's not going off to war." Jungkook said from behind me and I shot him a glare. He threw his hands up in surrender. "I wasn't trying to.. he will be back, Hyunnie."

"I know Kookie." I sighed and turned to my best friend. "I just.."

"I know." He said as the train started pulling away. "Let's go get some food. I'm hungry."

I nodded and followed him as he threw his arm over my shoulders in comfort. "What time will Taehyung get here?" I asked.

"In about an hour, his train already departed like way earlier this morning." He informed as we walked out of the train station and through a crowd of people.

It wasn't too much longer until I got to meet the man my best friend was utterly in love with face to face. I don't think Jungkook had ever even showed me a picture of him. And I wasn't about to look through a damn yearbook to try and find what this man looked like. But not that it mattered, as long as he made Kookie happy and treated him well he would have my approval.

We walked amongst the sidewalk in the downtown square, where all of our favorites were. The cafe, the diner, all the stores I raid when my parents send me my weekly allowance.

I hadn't talked to my parents since Christmas break. Not that I was due to talk to them anytime soon. I probably wasn't going to until this whole divorce thing was settled and the only thing I'd be telling my mother was 'farewell.'

I had been mindlessly walking alongside Jungkook until I heard the bell of an opening door, signaling that we had reached whatever destination he had chosen. The smell of espresso and freshly brewed coffee filled my nose and I took in the all too familiar setting.

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