Chapter| Fifteen

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After spending half an hour dancing in the rain, Damon and Naomi decided it was finally time to head to bed. They both took a hot shower and cuddled underneath the sheets together. Throughout the night Naomi's mind began playing games With her.

She was no longer in Damon's arms, but she was back in her castle.

"I will always find you, my love," her father's voice spoke with a distorted sound.

Naomi flung out of her dream, sweating and panting heavily. Damon grabbed her and pulled her into his chest, rocking her lightly. She had become undone and began to cry. Damon had no idea what memory decided to haunt her but he could see how bad it was physically and emotionally affecting her. He rubbed her hair, patted her back and soon she drifted back to sleep. Then and there he realizes that he needed more insight into her past, and quickly.


Back in Italy, Maranzano was at his shooting range trying to get back in tune. He pressed four shots into the standing Mannequin that was ten feet away, each bullet hitting the dead center of its skull.

He switched to an AK-47 and shot ten more on target near the heart.

"My hand is still weak!" He groaned to himself.

He began packing up his guns and knives and headed out of the basement. Today, Maranzano was going to visit his sister in the hospital today. He hoped that she would wake up soon so that she can hopefully provide any information about Naomi's disappearance.

He had thought the worst. He felt deep down in his gut that his baby girl was captured by the enemies and had already been tortured to death. That's just the world he brought her into, he had failed his wife.

He finally reached the top of the staircase when one of his men approached him.

"Sir, there is not much to report today. No recent word about the attack. These men were professionals. They left no clues, no trace of who they are." He panted trying to keep up with Maranzano's long stride.

"What else?"

"A new shipment of ladies should arrive tonight at Eleven hundred hours at the great docks." He reported.

"Very well, I'm heading to visit my sister. I would be back later. Tell Marco he's in charge until I'm back."

"Yes, Godfather." He bowed and went away.

Maranzano sped away to the hospital and found his sister exactly like how he left her last time, stuck in a deep coma. There were fifteen bodyguards outside her door, so he knows at least she would be safe while he was away.

"I can't find her anywhere my sister." He sighed at her.

" I also can't recruit any outside help because I don't want the world to know that she exists. Who could have possibly taken her? I wish you would wake up for your dear old brother and hopefully give me all of the answers."

His plead went unanswered, just like the five other times he had done it. Maranzano stood up abruptly and left the silent room.

It took another three hours before he was finished with a new cocaine shipment for a triad. It was a peaceful alliance, he provided them with goods, and they provide him with guns and information.

"What's the latest in the underground world?" Maranzano questioned the leader, Chen su.

"Everything has been quiet ever since your blast. There is little word about the Russian mafia though, the organization seemed to have died along with Silvester." Chen replied.

This pleased Maranzano, Silvester was a thorn in his behind. One that was stuck there for many years On end. He was happy that he got to outlive that greedy bastard.

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