Chapter| Fourteen

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The sun's rays shined through the crystal glass window and immediately woke Damon. He was never a morning person and even dreaded it more when he was a young boy.

Mornings meant more tasks he and Jackson had to complete, with no time to just be young boys. He slowly opened his eyes, groaning at the bright lights, and for the first time ever, he felt at peace.

He quickly scanned the bed, looking for Naomi, as she was not in his arms. Damon has discovered that Naomi was somewhat of a wild sleeper. There was one time when he found her completely off the bed itself, sleeping quietly on the floor.

He vowed to strap her to the bed at night. His eyes found her lying horizontally at the base of the bed. He chuckled lightly and pulled her into his chest. Damon definitely could wake up to her every single morning.

Naomi sighed with contentment and snuggled into his neck further.

"Good morning sunshine," Damon whispered to her.

"Hey.." she cowered away into his chest.

"Why are you being shy all of a sudden?" Damon chuckled.

"We.. did the nasty!" she gushed.

"Yes, we did and it was fucking fantastic! Do you wanna go for another round?" He teased her.

"Stop it!" she screamed and ran into the bathroom.

"By the way, I have to take care of some business today, so Jackson would babysit you for the that alright with you?" he yelled so that she would be able to hear.

She swiftly poked her head out.

"Firstly, I don't need a babysitter. I could take care of myself you know!" Damon smiled at her fiery eyes.

"Your safety is my first priority, and besides, I think Jackson misses you."

"I do miss him dearly." Naomi frowned. She felt as if she had abandoned her greatest friend. She decided that today would be just the two of them.

Damon was taking the day to resume his search for more answers about his mother's murderer. That is what he desired most in the entire world. He truly believed that when he knew exactly what happened during his past, he would be at peace.

There was a loud knock at the door and before Damon could respond, Jackson came bursting through the cracks.

"Good morning!" He yelled. "Where is Naomi...our day starts now!"

"I'm in the shower! I would be with you shortly!" She screamed back.

Jackson beamed at the thought of spending the day with Naomi.

"You guys did it didn't you .." he smirked towards Damon.

"It's none of your fucking business."

"You don't have to say it, the room smells like sex." Jackson laughed.

"Wait for Naomi downstairs, she would be with you shortly." Damon rolled his eyes and pushed him out of the room.

He quickly peeled away his clothing and joined Naomi in the shower. She let out a small squeal at the intrusion but quickly melted into his touch when she realized those hands belonged to the person she trusted the most.

As the hot steam filled the room, their hands were bathing each other, neither of them saying a word. Damon never thought in a million years he would be in this position and neither did Naomi. He left tender kisses On her shoulder and she jokingly bit his shoulder in return. They were in perfect silence in their own universe.

Shelter (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora