Chapter Fourteen | Prince Heinley

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"Ergi Claude.."

"Glad it's not Your Grace again. You gave me chills when you called me that."

Ergi smiled softly and replied before he brusquely sat down beside me. He was no longer in caramel color formal attires that I've seen him with this morning and rather wearing a comfortable gray dress-shirt with black pants and a coat hanging over his shoulders.

Perhaps from sudden lack of personal space between us, I'm suddenly reminded of the main reason why I'm feeling hesitate to face him recently.

The stupid things I said while I was drunk. My unruly appearance back then on my first call toward him with communication device. The image of him in that loose bathrobe of his that seemed to burn my eyes once I remembered.

Immediately, I could feel my cheek heated from memories and began to nervous if he's going to mention about that since I've been refusing to accept any calls from him.

"Have you come for festival?"

Unaware of my internal crisis, he started talking to me. I was relieved that he didn't started the conservation with what I'm afraid about but it was still hard to control my voice from stuttering out of nervousness.

"..Yes. The festival of common people is a lot more exciting than the one going to held in palace."

"I didn’t expect to hear that from one of the people organizing the celebrations but I could understand your sentiment."

"You do? That's good to hear but all of a sudden, it's no longer enjoyable here."

I looked up at him with a heart that desire to escape quickly, but he didn't took his eyes away from me for a while. I thought I could have a cold reply and sent him away before he could got any chance to mention my embarrassment.

"Oh I see. It can't be helped then."

But unlike what I wished, Ergi smiled at my sudden cold attitude as if he felt the wall I'm tying to built in our relationship and found it funny. He had an expectant expression like that of a child holding the candy he had been waiting for, knowing how much the content could please him.

'What the hell is he doing? What are his intentions?'

To begins with, I never believed Ergi's intention of approaching me were truly pure. It was a mystery even to me that I allowed him get close to me depite having such awareness.

It certainly begins with curiosity. Curiousity always had been a weakness of mine. I was curious what would this man wanted in return for saving my life. Then there's enjoyment and excitement. He brought those things in my recently dulled daily life in palace that's busy with helping Navier in organizing the celebration.

But is that all the reason why I allowed this notoriously frivolous man to get this close to me and even feel kind of pulled toward him? I don't have an answer to that.

The only thing I am sure of is that Ergi is not as simple as he make himself to be and he wanted something from me.

"Have you think of what you wanted from me?"

Unable to avoid, I decided to face him head on in my own style. Ignoring to my wariness, Ergi shrugged his shoulders without a care.

"Not yet."

"What's taking you so long?"

"I'm kind of busy too, you know. It was not a small journey to travel from Bluvohan to here."

Yet you still have time to sent those notes with magic bird to me, came to where I'm staying in border town and even called me daily despite getting no response. I really wanted to pointed those thing out loud but held back in doing so.

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