Chapter Ten | Spoiled?

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"A tea party with all the noblewomen?"

Rashta’s eyes rounded.

"Are you sure?"

Cherily, the maid who had given her the news, answered with "I told you already!"

"It’s hosted by the Empress. The invitations were sent out yesterday to all the noble ladies in capital."

"…What about Rashta?"

"Ah! Even if you are not a noble, Miss Rashta, you’re still a person of His Majesty the Emperor…this really is a shame."

Rashta’s mouth turned downwards and her shoulders sagged.

"I thought so. The palace seemed to be noisy all day long…"

"The Empress is being unfair. She skipped the banquet because of New Year’s Day, but now she’s having a party that excludes Miss Rashta."

Tea parties and banquets differed in size and expectations of guests, but to Cherily and Rashta, who did not know about this, a party was a party, and to them it was unfair that Rashta was not invited.

Rashta pushed the floor with her toes and fell back onto her bed.

"Rashta must be hated… "

"The Empress is just jealous because the Emperor loves you."

"Why don’t you dress up and go to the palace, too?"

"But Rashta wasn’t invited…?"

"Is the Empress the only one that lives here? This is Rashta’s home too."

The two maids took turns thinking up a plan, but Rashta shook her head and pulled the covers over herself.

"No. They don’t want me."

The maids’ eyes watered sympathetically.

"Poor Miss Rashta…"


"Your Highness! Please don't--"

The guards were frantic as I slam opened the doors of Sovieshu’s office. They dare not drag me back, but they also felt fear that Emperor might angered at them for not stopping me. I felt kinda apologetic for them, but that was not enough to stop me from stomping right before my older brother.

"Leave. I want to talk with Emperor alone."

The officials that had preoccupied the Emperor tried to protest. But Sovieshu raised his hand as a sign for them to don’t and motioned them to leave. Neither the officials nor guards continue their attempt of stopping me from that command alone.

"....Where are your manners, Princess."

Sovieshu started, rubbing his forehead with tired expression as thought I am an annoying bug buzzing around him for no reason.


I didn’t stop myself from scoffing very loudly.

"Pardon me for being honest, Your Majesty but what kind of fucking hypocrite are you to tell me about manner when you have none?"

"You just came out from house-arrest. Why are you here to anger me again?"

His act as though being wronged made me sneered and gave him a nasty glare.

"Anger you? Good. That's exactly my point. I'm planning to piss you off until you realize how many loose screws you have in that head of yours!"

"Watch your mouth, Princess."

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