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POV: Zaylee "Zae" Ramsey
Day: Thursday, December 3,2020
Time: 5:55 PM

"One more!" Giving him my phone back.

Taking it, "Alright now! We gotta hurry up cause the driver is almost here." He said.

"Okay! Okay!" Fixing my hair.

He took literally one more and gave me my phone. Grabbing my hand and walking me to the door.

"You look beautiful tonight!" As he opened the car door for me.

Getting in, "Thanks! You look handsome." I said.

He closed the door and got in on the other side. He seemed a lil nervous so I rubbed his face a lil which made him smile.

"Are you nervous?" Asking him.

Shaking his head, "Nah! You know I don't get nervous." He said.

"Boy!" Side eyeing him.

Laughing, "What?"

"We know it's a lie but I'm let you have it." I said.

Checking my phone, "How it's a lie?"

"Cause it is." I said.

Looking at his phone, "You know I'm telling the truth that's why." He said.

Leaning my head on his shoulder, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet besides me showing him some funny videos. Not gone lie the car ride was longer than I expect. I ended up playing games on my phone for the rest of the car ride while he just held  my waist.

Getting out, "Close your eyes!" He said.

Hearing the door closed, "They are and have been closed." I said.

Opening my door, "Don't get smart with me." He said.

Helping me out the car, "You better be lucky I wanna have a good and positive night." I said.

"That's your favorite excuse!" Closing the door behind me.

He helped me walked up a couple of stairs. When we stopped he moved beside me.

Stopping, "Open your eyes!"

Opening my eyes, "Awww how you knew I wanted to come here?" Asking him.

"Misty told me how you been raving about this place to her." Smiling.

Shaking my head, "I should've known!" Rolling my eyes.

Walking inside and waiting to be seated. It didn't take long to be seated. Once we sat down our waiter took our drink orders.

"What made you wanna take me on a date tonight?" Asking him.

Shrugging his shoulders, "I felt like it was the right thing to do since your carrying my child."

Nodding my head, "I mean I guess that's a good reason."

Chuckling, "What you mean you guess?"

"I thought you did it outta the kindest of your heart." Looking at me.

Putting our drinks down on the table, "Are you ready to order?" Asking us.

"Yes! Uhmm could I get 12 oz steak medium well. For my sides mashed potatoes and lobster mac & cheese."

Trevor end up getting the same thing I got just with different sides. We had small talk mostly throughout the dinner.

"Here is a dessert for you ma'am complimentary on the house!" Smiling at me.

Grabbing a fork, "Thanks." Looking at the plate, "What?" Confused.

Trevor was smiling from ear to ear, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Handing me a small box.

Taking the box, "Aww of course I will and thanks." I said.

Holding my hand, "Open the box!" He said.

Opening the box, "A ring?"

"A promise ring. It's a promise that I'll finally do right by you and be completely faithful." He smiled.

Putting it on, "Awww Trevor!" Leaning in for a kiss.

We kissed and shared the dessert. Wow! He really made me his girlfriend again. Hopefully he sticks to his word and mean it.


POV: Trevor "Priest" Jackson
Day: Thursday, December 3,2020
Time: 10:21 PM

Massaging her feet, "Thought if any names?!"

"I have a few but obviously I would want you help licking names out. " Adjusting herself,

Nodding my head, "What's some of those names?"

"Uhmm for girls I got Mailani, Leilani, and Azariah so far." She said.

"All of those unique! Ohh how bout our boy be a junior? Ohh or something close to my name!" I said.

"I don't care as long as we agree on a name." She said.

"Do you want a babyshower and gender reveal?" Asking her.

Smiling, "Yea but it doesn't really matter to me."

"Did you ever see us having a child together?" Genuinely asking.

"It was at the back of my mind during our first relationship. But I knew it wasn't bond to happen especially with you being a ladies man." Staring at me, "Speaking of...have you dropped all of your girls before making this official?"

Cracking my knuckles, "Yea.. I wouldn't have asked you to be with me if I didn't." I said.

"Uhmm!" Smiling. "We'll see!" Eyeing me down.

"I just wanted to say I love you and happy you held me down throughout this whole time. Regardless of all the fucked up shit I did to you. I am really grateful to get ready to spend the rest of my life with you." I said.

We finished up our dinner and headed back to the house.

Walking in, "How about you move in so I could take care of you?" Asking her.

Laughing, "Trevor you just asked me out. Don't you think it's a lil early for me to move in?" Turning towards me.

"Zaylee why you acting like we ain't been fucking with each other?" Confused. "I'm just trying to make your pregnancy as stress free as possible." Rubbing her belly.

"I'm have to think bout it cause I don't wanna invade in your space." Walking up the stairs.

Nodding my head, "You won't cause I want you here."

"Still give me a couple of days to give you the answer!" Going to the room.

Opening the door, "Okay!"

"Thanks for the date tonight it was definitely needed." Going to the bathroom.

Following her, "You welcome!"

I ran her a bubble bath while she took her makeup and stuff off. I was just gone shower and call it a night. I'm let her do her thing and relax cause she needs it.

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