The World's Best Detective

Start from the beginning


Monitor Duty's so boring.

Black Canary stretched her arms and yawned as she stared at the wall of monitors.

Texas, U.S.A. Power Girl unleashed her heat vision at a military base.

In China, Obsidian spread his darkness over Beijing. Screams and chaos prevailed.

In France, Alan Scott Green Lantern hovered over the Eiffel tower. He turned to look directly at the hidden  camera. His eyes were blank. He pointed his ring. There was a blinding green light and the screen blacked out.

The puppeteer had taken over the JSA. Dinah hit the code red button to alert her fellow Leaguers.

In a blur of red, Captain Marvel was in the monitor room, followed by the Flash. Minutes later, the rest of the League had joined them.

Marvel glanced at Batman who nodded at him.

The Captain activated his League communicator. "Stealth team, begin squeak chrrr eek now."

"Squeak chrrr eek?" Canary quirked an eyebrow.

"Woof," came a reply through the League comms

"Eek eek," came another.

"Squeak," came the third.


The humans were counting on him.

Kal-el and Billy couldn't go home until he fixed this.

He had to find the Star Labs AI once and for all.

Krypto hovered above the Earth's atmosphere with his eyes on Star Labs and a device in his mouth.

Telescopic vision showed that the server hosting the AI was missing.

Cap's voice came through the comms. "Joey's found the Star Labs AI server. Krypto, please plant device at these coordinates."


The devices were in place. Captain Marvel hit the button triggering the Trojan implanted on all three AI servers concurrently, causing them to send signals to the mind control signal transmitter.

"Bingo!" The Captain grinned as he tracked its exact location. "Sending coordinates now."

Instantly, the mouse detectives' armour teleported them to the transmitter's location.

With a shit-eating grin, Captain Marvel hit another button which destroyed the AI programs in all three servers rendering them useless as the devices exploded, removing any incriminating evidence that could be traced back to the Justice League.


"There it is," grinned Sylvia as she appeared beside a miniature Eiffel tower in the grand canyon.

"Solar power," frowned Joey examining the power generator as he ran around it studying the wires.

"This one," he grinned as he started gnawing on a red wire.

Sparks flew as Joey's armoured teeth severed the wire.

The machine exploded, throwing Joey against the canyon wall.

"No! Joey!" Screamed Silvia as she flew to his limp body.


The blank look on Power Girl's face was replaced by pure horror as she came to.

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