Justice League Shenanigans

Start from the beginning

"How'd I know?" Captain Marvel frowned. Boy this conversation was getting weird.

"Clark is from Krypton. J'onn is from Mars. Carter's from Thanagar. Where are you from?" Hal looked at him curiously.

"Earth? Seriously, why does everyone think I'm am alien?" Cap was perplexed.


"Not alien. Is he human?" Barry asked Hal.

"Good question." Hal scratched his head. "You know, let's visit him in Fawcett to find out."

They found The Captain seated on a garden bench deep in conversation with a talking tiger.

The tiger was dressed in a green plaid jacket over a white dress shirt, matching pants and shiny black formal shoes.

He sat upright with his legs crossed like a proper gentleman.

"Good morning gentlemen. May I help you? The tiger addressed Green Lantern and the Flash.

Both jaws dropped as heroes mouths gaped open.

"Hal, Barry, please meet Mr Tawny," Captain Marvel introduced his friend to the heroes.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance," Mr Tawny offered his hand/paw to the Hal who looked at it, then back at the tiger's face.

When Hal refused to take his paw, he offered it to Barry who jumped back.

"Are your friends normally this rude?" Tawny turned to the Captain.

"Well..." The Captain shot the heroes a mischievous look.

"Guys, Mister Tawny is a civilised, highly evolved tiger. He does not bite," laughed Captain Marvel.

"Not unless you've been bad," Tawny bared his teeth, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Hal threw up a shield in front of himself and Barry.

"C'mon guys. Tawny's an old friend of mine," chuckled Cap. "We've got plenty in common," he nudged the talking tiger.

The green shield disappeared as the heroes stepped forward, hands shaking paw.

"See, it's ok," chortled the Captain. "You'll love him once you get to know him better."


"He's not an alien. He's got lots in common with a talking tiger," pondered Hal as he sat with Barry in the Watchtower lounge.

A light bulb went off in Barry's head. "He's a big cat like Tawny, only so advanced that he looks human."

It made sense.

"His blue eyes, white cape with gold trimming .. Hal searched the internet and saw images of albino lions with white fur and golden manes. Their eyes were blue, though far lighter than Cap's brilliant blues.

"Voila!" He showed Barry his phone.

"Does this remind you of Cap?" He asked.

"In a way... But Cap flies," came the reply.

"So, Captain Marvel is......"


Superman's outburst of uncontrolled laughter in the Watchtower caught Captain Marvel's attention. The poor man could barely stand up. His eyes streaming with tears.

"What's up Clark?" The Big Red Cheese asked the Man of Steel.

Superman could only point wordlessly to a group of heroes huddled together at the far end of the massive room.

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