Chapter 17

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Continuation of the last Chapter

After teasing Pete, I thought he will get mad at me. But no, we continue playing at the arcade as if nothing happened.

But I'm really happy that he is very responsive to me. Like my ego is boasting after doing that.

We keep on playing until we get tired.

"Pete are you hungry, I can call Nop to bring us food," I asked him while playing.

"Yes please, can you tell him to check on Venice, too," he told me.

Even if we are together like this, his mind is always in Venice. He really loves him so much, and I hope that love will also last.

I'm starting to love that bastard since Pete came to live with us. Unlike the first day, I thought he is going to ruin our relationship.

But now he makes our relationship getting stronger and stronger.

"Okay," I answered him shortly and called Nop after.

After calling, I went behind him and play with his face to annoy him.

"Vegas stop that," he said I know his very focused on what is he doing right now.

"Can you rest first?" I asked him now putting my chin on his head.

"Let me just finish this okie,"


After he finished, we went to the office room so that we can rest together properly.

After sitting down on one of the couches. Pete snuggles up to me.

"When Venice grows up, let's bring him here," he said smiling so eagerly.

"You already plan for that?"

"Why? You don't want me to plan for the future?" he exclaimed, hurt.

"It's not like that, I like the idea that you're planning for the future already. But the question is, am I on the list?"

"What kind of question is that Vegas"

"I just want to make sure, because you know we are only new to this relationship. What if you change your mind in the future," I explained to him.

"You know why I am planning, because that's what I want to do in the future. I didn't get a chance to fulfill my dreams before. Now that I have a chance to dream again, I want to do it no matter what it takes. You, me, and Venice. The three of us,"  he spoke up with eagerness and adoration.

"So your not leaving me anytime soon?" I shouldn't be asking him this question again, because he is already planning for our future. But I just want to make it clear. I just want to hear from him that he is not going to leave my side forever.

"Vegas why are you like that, or are you just saying that because you are fed up already?" now he pushed me and look at me hurt.

I pulled him into a hug to coax him because he looks so mad at my question.

"No, I'm not going to be fed up with you, even if you are stubborn, crazy like my cousin, and scary sometimes. Because I love you so so so so so much Pete," I murmured and gave him a peck kiss on his checks.

Then my phone rang and it was Nop bringing us our food.

After eating we stayed there and played more games until the night.

I'm starting to get anxious because that's not the only thing I want to do that day, I have another plan for the night.

I've been practicing for a whole week with Chay about this. And I don't know if Pete will like it.

"Vegas you look so pale, are you okie?" he asked and try to feel my forehead.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I lied but the truth is I'm very nervous inside.

I asked Chay to prepare everything for me since yesterday. And I hope I'm not gonna mess up with my plan.

Taking a deep breath for how many times before I got the courage to take Pete into that room.

"You have a music room here?" he asked me confused.

"Yeah" I answered now my hands are shaking and starting to sweat.

"Pete, promise me you won't laugh at me okay, whatever you hear from here. I want you and only me that knows about this."

"Huh, what are you saying?" he asked again furrowing his eyebrows.

I took his hand and lead him to a chair not too far away from the microphone.

Then I walk to the microphone and try to check if it's working or not.

"Pete, I'm not a good singer but I will try my best to sing a song for you, just for you. This is one of my dreams to sing a song to the one love. And I'm doing it now because I already found you."

Now I can see him rubbing his hands and biting his lips. When I look into his eyes, it's already glistening.

"Can I?" I asked permission then he just nod his head for an answer.

Taking a deep breath before I started singing.

Can I call you baby?
Can you be my friend?
Can you be my lover up until the very end?
Let me show you, love, oh, I don't pretend
Stick by my side even when the world is givin' in, yeah

While singing my eyes never leaves him. Every time our eyes meet, he tries to look somewhere else. But after that, he will look at me again.

Oh, oh, oh, don't
Don't you worry
I'll be there, whenever you want me

Now his wiping the tears on his face and he can't even look directly into my eyes so he just put his head down.

I need somebody who can love me at my worst
No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth
'Cause it's only you, nobody knew, I put you first
And for you, PETE, I swear I'll do the worst

Then he started sobbing in his chair.

I walk over to him and hug him tightly. But, didn't stop singing the song. I'm also caressing his back trying to comfort him while doing that.

Now that I'm done singing, I feel so embarrassed, that I wanted the floor to eat me.

I put my face between his shoulder and neck just to inhale his scent to comfort me.

His scent, his warm hug, and his laughter, everything from him, make me feel homey.

"I hope you like the song," I murmured to his neck.

"I love the song, but I don't like your voice," he let out still crying.

"Pete that hurts," I said trying to be sad.

"So you want me to say that you are good at singing even if it's not, you want me to become a liar?" he exclaimed.

"Am I that bad?"

Then he let go of his hug and held my fave.

"Yeah, really bad, but the thing is I still love you Vegas that never changes even if you sing off-key. I want to hear more of your singing but just the two of us only okay?" he told me with his pleading eyes.

Then after that, we started laughing together.

Now double update...

Let me know if you still like my story... Please don't hesitate to comment on what you feel about it.

LOSING YOU - VEGASPETE [ ManxMan)] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें