"Okay, I don't need the details," she waves her hand at me and it's my turn to laugh. "Fine, have your fun. But as soon as you start catching feelings, real feelings. You need to talk to him before this goes south, pretty quickly."

I shrug again. "I can't force him to come out, I don't want to. I know how hard it is. His friends think he's straight, I met two of them today."

Her eyebrows raise at my words. "You did? What are they like?"

"One seems alright, the other kinda just stared me down. It was weird." I begin to shake my head and Britt's expression furrows.

"Yeah, weirdo. How did you meet them?"

"They arrived at placement after we were done to pick him up."

Britt chews on the inside of her mouth and studies me. "This guy, you really like him don't you?"

"I like being with him, yes." At least I can admit that.

"You're in love with him?"

My eyes grow wide at her words and I almost choke on my own spit. "No. I'm not in love with him, we've barely known each other for a couple months now."

"Still, it's a lot of time to spend with each other. Alone."

"Don't say the L word again," I warn her and finish the remainder of my drink. "That shit is far too serious for what we've got going on."

Britt chuckles and sighs, I know she loves to tease me. "Any castings coming up?"

"Probably but I don't run my schedule, remember? Do you?"

"Yeah, I have loads. Even did a casting to be in this movie."

"No way, what movie?"

"Not sure," she hums and looks up at the ceiling. "But it has Channing Tatum in it. So it was an immediate yes."

A laugh passes my lips. "You've been obsessed with him since forever."

"Duhhhh, who isn't?"

"Is it time for cake?"

"A tiny one," Britt pinches her fingers together. "I'm supposed to be on a diet."

"I won't tell, if you don't."

She grins brightly at me and then nods. "Fine, fuck the diet."

When I get home later in the evening my mother is sitting at the kitchen island with paperwork surrounding the worktop, a pen in hand and her iPad in the other. Dark rimmed glasses cover her face and I turn from her before she can stop me because I know what this stance tells me.

"Oh Ash!" She calls out as I reach the stairs.

"Not today mum," I say quietly. "I'm tired and I want to go to sleep."

"But the castings–"

I turn my head towards her. "Can we do this tomorrow? I'm exhausted from probation."

She swipes the glasses from her face and gives me a once over, then she nods. "Fine, goodnight my dear."


I carry myself upstairs and jump straight in the shower. Once clean and dry I slip into bed and tap the screen on my phone. A few notifications from Instagram but one instantly catching my attention.

bodihawk1 started following you

My mouth turns dry and I rush to his page, of course it's him. I know no other Bodi's and I instantly recognise him from his icon picture. His page is mostly pictures of his friends, the odd picture of his shirtless body at boxing and some of him on a sunny beach.

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