Sapphire: Oh, Roark is gonna get his butt kicked!

Ruby: Actually Sapphire's gonna go later.

Red: Well if no one's going then I might as well.

As the rest of the dexholders followed Red to the gym I pulled Sapphire away to talk.

Sapphire: What the heck man! I was just gonna crush that Roark guy!

Ruby: Sapphire, we need to talk, about us, we need to tell everyone, now. It'll be the perfect time!

Sapphire: Uh, Ruby I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.

Ruby: Sapphire don't worry I'll be by your side, we can do it, together!

Sapphire: No Ruby that's not what I mean! I'm just not ready to face the crowd yet, and I thought you might've understood that I can't handle expectations, you know that Ruby, or at least I thought you did. I'm going inside to challenge Roark.

Ruby: Wait, but we'll be doing it together!

As Sapphire walked into the gym I was left alone, and when you are left alone thinking, that's when you know you screwed up. Of course, Sapphire and Red both got the coal badge, but Sapphire refused to talk to me the entire time, but when I  got to have a Pokémon contest, it got worse.

Platinum: And this is our contest hall, where pokemon contests take place. I have heard that one of you have been anticipating this moment for a while.

At that moment all eyes were faced in my direction, that was of course except Sapphire's.

Ruby: Okay, okay, I'm going.

Platinum: Beware Ruby, I shall be competing today too.

Ruby: Well it looks like I'll finally have some competition!

In the dressing room, I felt completely devastated by Sapphire. I almost felt like breaking down right there, but then someone came in.

Emerald: Okay what did you do this time?

Ruby: I messed up, I rushed me and Sapphire's relationship and now she's mad at me.

Emerald: So you guys really are a couple! Oh wait, I forgot to tell you that the contest is starting soon.

Ruby: Oh right!

I'd gotten so worried about Sapphire that I forgot about the contest, but my mind was filled with what Sapphire said, how could even focus on the contest? As I went up to my audience I sent up my pokemon I could barely even focus my eyes would only oom onto one thing, Sapphire's grumpy face, staring at me. I tried my hardest but I just couldn't focus, and because of that I lost to Platinum.

Gold: Ha! How's it feel to get knocked down your pedestal Ruby?

I was still thinking all about Sapphire, and what I could've done. I'd been falling deeper and deeper into guilt, and I just couldn't even make my own mouth reply to Gold.

Gold: Ruby? Are you okay?

Ruby: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Gold just shrugged it off and walked along. Our tour of Sinnoh continued, but me and Sapphire hadn't talked the entire time, which had apparently made everyone awfully concerned. I could see some dexholders trying to talk with Sapphire, and some dexholders approach me, but we were both silent. The tour quickly ended and we were back in our rooms, while Gold was using the shower I was waiting on my bed.

Green: You know people can tell when you're upset.


I quickly flinched, I knew that I had snapped, I was almost at my breaking point.

Green: A lot of people are worried about you, we all know that you're upset, so please, if you need help you can talk to any of us.

Ruby: Thanks.

Green's talk had really calmed me down. I needed a reminder that I wasn't always alone. After me and Green both showered Green did his own thing, but I started sketching outfit designs, but then someone surprised me.

Sapphire: Wow, ya really had I hard time didn't ya. Look I'm sorry for ignoring you after Roark's gym, but don't think I forgive ya either!

Ruby: Yeah, I'm sorry too. I can't believe my impatience made us fall apart. I'm so stupid!

Sapphire: C'mon, don't be so hard on yourself, I can't tell that you just wanna be with me again.

I kind of didn't want to admit it, but Sapphire was right. I really wanted Sapphire to love me again, that might sound kind of corny, but this is my first serious relationship.

Ruby: I really do want us to be together again, so will you please forgive me for rushing our relationship?

Sapphire: Yes, and will your forgive me for ignorin' ya?

Ruby: Of course!

Me and Sapphire then gave each other a hug. It felt great to overcome our troubles to be together again. Then we suddenly hear a bunch of people cheering and that's when we realized something. We opened the door and we saw something.

Ruby: Okay, why is everyone outside?!?

Blue: I obviously couldn't miss your wonderful reunion, and all the other guys didn't want to miss it at well.

Ruby: So I guess you all know that me and Sapphire like each other .

Blue: Of course! Now I am speaking for everyone in this room, go on a date already!

So yeah, me and Sapphire had been pressured to go on a date and it was great, I feel amazing that me and Sapphire have officially become a couple, and we don't have to hide it.

A/N LET'S GO!!! I'm finally done with this monster of a oneshot. Next time I think I'll write a short oneshot

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