Chapter 15

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I keep on walking, and get to a room I'm very familiar with. Of course they'd use Brady and my main hook-up room as the meeting room we meet in. I have no doubt Amelia is behind that. For such a sweet girl, she's pure evil sometimes.

"As the girls seem to be not with us, it will be us two. Zeev, go check on the girls," I order, getting him out of the room before I realize I probably said that backwards.

"Now, you will have to share since I can't make copies, but here are some files that should explain everything perfectly." I say, as I start to distribute the files.

"I won't need any. I believe you, and even trust you to some small extent." Miguel says as I try to hand him one.

"Very well. Miguel, will you please go catch up with Zeev. I worry about the state of whatever room the four of them are in if they're left unsupervised." I also worry about what would happen if Zeev got pulled into this awful plan too. Though, at least I won't have to chance Miguel figuring out everything in the file.

"Your personal file?" Ruben questions, holding it up.

"Yes, I thought it might clear somethings up." I answer.

"Well, given that I have a limited time to read, I think I'll set this aside. I'm sure I can make sense of things without it," He says, and I hold in a sigh of relief. It seems my secrets are still safe.

"I'll go put it back up then," I say sweetly as I grab my file.

It doesn't take that long to get to the archive room, nor that long back. I hear very little to no noise out of the room with the others, which is mildly concerning on one hand, put then again it's unlikely they would be plotting something if Miguel was in the room with them. At least I hope not.

I reenter the room Ruben's in, and surprisingly enough, don't see him reading. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No, not at all?" He answers, slightly kindly. This is now very concerning.

"Then why aren't you reading?"

"Because I don't need to. Only someone so sure that they're in the right would go through such lengths to convince me, and if you believe you're right that strongly, there is nothing I could do to convince you otherwise. My daughter and Miguel both believe you, as does my son-in-law, and deep down, I believe my niece does too. That's all the proof I need, though if I may ask, why are you so concerned about Luna? She's a child, and you hate children."

I wince it the last bit. "It's true that I'm not overly fond of children, at any age. Babies are too young and require too much care, care that I believe I cannot provide to them. Young children are very clingy, and then they get bratty as they get older. Teens, well you had to raise one. Enough said. I'm not suited well for children, at least most children.

"Luna's different though. She's quiet. Perceptive. Intelligent." I say, smiling slightly. The one thing that I don't say is that she's like me; she could be the person I would have been if I hadn't gotten involved in all this stuff. However, she wants to be in this, just like another young child I know, counting the days until she got her note.

"You know, I think you don't really hate children as much as you say you do," Ruben says, standing up.

"I don't?" I ask.

"Of course not. You just don't like it when they're yours; you don't want to be in charge of them alone because you're worried that you'll do something wrong and mess them up. That they'll turn out like you, which you somehow see as bad." He says before leaving me sitting alone in the meeting room.

"What is it about men old enough to be my father. They all seem to able to read me no matter what defenses I have. Let's just hope this one isn't like the last one." I mutter before leaving the room, stopping as I find a red splotch on the door frame. I remember how that got there.

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