Chapter 11

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If anyone ever tells you I am a morning person, assume they're being sarcastic, don't really know me, or I told them to tell you that so you know they're lying and not to trust them, and that they've most likely kidnapped me and you need to save me.

I have this theory that I hate mornings because I never go to sleep. My body just randomly decides that it needs to crash, and it does, usually while I'm doing paperwork. Then, Amelia comes and wakes me up in various ways, all of them not nicely. So, I associate mornings with bad feelings for some reason. I don't really have all the specifics drawn out, but I'm getting there.

And no one can blame me for not liking this morning either. Instead of waking up pleasantly like yesterday, I don't wake up to a warm arm around my side like I was hoping. What the...where did that come from. Any affection I have for him is a play so I can escape. I don't like him. I don't like people. I can't afford to. Not after Brady. I can have crushes, yes. I am a female after all. I just can't act on them, and that includes wishing for things that can't happen.

Miguel and I. We could never happen. He's emotional. I'm cold. He cares about people. It would make my job easier if most of them died. He's a lot like Brady, and if his tastes are anything like Brady's, then I'm as far from it as you can get. Brady would be ashamed of me if he was still around.

Well, it looks like I won't have to worry about Miguel and I's fictional relationship that I totally wasn't dreaming about last night. Because, while I'm waking up and thinking those fortifying thoughts, Miguel storms into the room with a very unhappy look on his face. I'm honestly surprised the door doesn't fall off its hinges, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone comes to see if something's wrong. Then again, this is a tarven that pirates feel safe to stay at, so we'll see what happens.

"Just let it be known, I wanted to wait. However, Captain insisted that I start questioning you again. So, we're going to treat it the same as last time, just with better food," Miguel calmly states, and I sigh.

"Alright, let's go."

He takes a deep breath. "Okay, first question; What does the IEA have planned to get you back?"

"I don't know. I don't actively have plans in place about what to do if I get kidnapped, because usually I save myself and don't want to put my agents at risk. If I did, pirates wouldn't be on the list because of certain relations, it's usually I don't mess with them and they don't mess with me sort of thing. This has only happened once before, and I assumed it would never happen again," I say, slightly fibbing. I mean, I don't know exactly what they're going to do, or when. I just know it's going to be hard, they're very close, and I'm going to have to get an idiot out of my agency when I get back.

He nods, and I can see him trying to tell if I lied or not. Good luck. He finally decides I didn't, because he gives me a piece of fruit. Pineapple, I think. "Alright, next question; Why did have the IEA join the new inter-agency trade devoted specifically to capturing pirates, when you wouldn't touch them for years?"

I probably scare the daylights out of Miguel with my reaction. "That idiot! Oh, he's a dead man. Not only does he make in inter-agency operation, specifically just to spite me because I won't go after. No, he won't let me leave the stupid inter-agencies because of stupid laws that went out of date years ago. And not only that, but when I get kidnapped, he takes over my agency, my birthright, my legacy, my throne, and he completely destroys everything I've been working for. Oh, he's a dead man walking, that's what he is."

I leap to my feet, ignoring the slight pain, and start pacing. "Miguel, is there any way, any in the least, Eva would let me go away for maybe two weeks. I promise to return, and you will have a lot less problems. Such as, this entire idiotic idea of inter-agency cooperation dissolved. And, the three most important agencies, actually, no, scratch that, the three agencies who actually have leaders who are leaders with brain cells and not mindless followers or evil harpies, will pull away and form their own connection. You guys will seriously have nothing to worry about, I just need two weeks tops," I rant.

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