Chapter 10

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The walk back to the starting tarven, and where I'm currently staying is brisk. Very brisk. If they could have run without drawing too much attention to themselves, I'm sure they would have. They were in such a hurry.

Me, I was just along for the ride, mainly because I had to be. I was too lost in thought about what I just realized to fully comprehend anything. The thing that always keeps me going when I need rescuing is that they're coming. Someone is coming and all I need to do is hold out a little longer. Everything will be fine if I just wait a little longer.

That's not true anymore. I'm on my home turf of all things, but no one is coming. No one cares. I'm on my own.

They drag me through the city, but I'm not focused. I'm looking down alleyways, hoping that I spot some hint that I'm wrong. That the IEA does care about me and are looking for me. So far, I'm having no luck.

It doesn't matter though. I'll escape on my own. I've done it before. Well, it was with amateurs when I did it, but still. I've done it before, and I can do it again. I'm going to have to.

We reach where we originally started and they drag me through the door. My eyes flicker all around, taking in the surroundings, when they meet green ones. Zeev.

"Hey, since our drinking got interrupted, and I'm sure they've had more than us, I'm going to get us another shot or two. Be back in a bit," I say, the cover slipping out of my mouth before I realize it, and I'm walking off. They don't suspect a thing, and who can blame them. I'm good at what I do.

"You know, a trait of being a sociopath is being able to lie without having a tell," Zeev says, and I smile.

"Just further proof I am one I guess," I say, and he nods, knowing it's safe to talk.

He turns his back, and starts to pour the beer, talking while keeping his voice low. "So, this is the hideout that you've been staying in. Nice to know."

"It hasn't been a vacation for me either, brat," I growl out. He lets out a low laugh.

"Well, I wouldn't expect it to improve. Bad news; the others merged with the government, and they made a new division specifically devoted to capturing pirates. And, guess who the head of it is," He says, and I groan.

"If it's Anderson, I will shoot you. And him," I threaten, and he raises his hands in mock surrender.

"Don't shoot the messenger. And, they now have the government backing them, so we have to agree with everything they say. Meaning, not that many people are wanting to help you. And, since it's Anderson we're talking about, he's not going to help you or let anyone who does want to," He says, and I start cussing out a storm under my breath, spanning over three languages.

"So, I'm stuck here, with only you and Amelia to help me?" I ask, and he nods.

"Kill me now; it'll be less painful." I demand, and he shakes his head.

"Katherine is in on it too," Zeev says, and I shake my head.

"Oh, that makes everything so much better. I feel as if I'm going to be saved now since I have a junior agent aboard to help me," I say, sarcasm oozing out of every word I say.

"Tone it down. I know this isn't ideal-" He starts and I cut him off.

"No, isn't ideal means the odds aren't exactly in our favor, but I can still make a plan that will succeed. What this is is a sucide mission which I won't let you participate in. I'm not dragging you guys down with me," I say, and he just listens.

"And if we want to participate, and we don't care what you say?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"I'd say that you're a stubborn idiot, I reserve the right to say I told you so, but we're both covered by Rule 21: Always keep the good friends and never the ones who would throw you or leave you to the wolves. You play those." I answer, and he smiles.

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