Chapter 1

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I hate women's clothes I think as I twist my arm around, trying desperately to get this stupid dress on.

I mean, what tyranny is this? I am half-convinced the entire reason men made dresses was to keep women submissive and in their place. If they had to wear one of these things, or a corset, they would have never invented them, or made women wear one. Instead, they would let us wear comfortable trousers. I think, along with cursing in several different languages, as I remember I need a corset on, and have to take this thing off, only to put it back on. Thank goodness the corset has front laces, so I don't have to ask someone for help, which would be far too embarrassing for me to do.

"Honestly, why could I not wear trousers again? I could pretend to be a man and finish my mission that way. Maybe slip the poison in his drink. But heaven forbid you choose how you complete your mission when you're the boss of the agency. Especially when you're a woman." I mutter aloud as I slip off the dress, put the corset on, and then put the wretched thing back on.

"Now that you can not breath at all and feel like you are going to die, you can go out there, get your stupid mission over with, and then get this freaking dress off. It's easy, LB. Just pretend to be a server, slip the poison in your assignment's drink, go back to your room, and when the poison kicks in, leave during the confusion. Easy. No room for error, plenty of other escape routes, back up plans, and this plan is foolproof. Nothing can go wrong." I mutter as I steal my nerves for the task at hand.

I move with ease, as the assignment comes in at the time he should. The only problem, he has an entire crew with him. He was supposed to come alone. After all, his fiancee is pregnant, so she shouldn't be here, and none of the others even like him. I believe that none of them would even cry if I killed him. Never mind, this just makes you have to be sneakier with your escape. It changes nothing else.

I wait for them to order drinks, and then inject myself into their lives. For the last time hopefully. "Since you have such a large group, I was wondering if you would like to sit at a table while waiting for those drinks. I have one with the exact number that would be needed open." I say in a hopefully friendly tone, with an obviously fake smile. I haven't truly smiled a big genuine smile since that day. Smirk yes, smile nope.

They all look at one another, before the one I assume is the leader, I'm sorry Captain, my target's finance, nods to me, telling me yes. Well, at least one thing has gone right. I've successfully injected myself into their lives.

I move over, and grab the whiskey that they all ordered, except the Captain. I'm not surprised by this. I may be remembering my lessons that I could not even be bothered to care about since I am not having any kids wrong, but I think something about pregnant women not drinking alcohol of any type was one of the things. Though, I would have thought that she might try to test that theory, given everything that I've heard about her.

I close my eyes, gather all my stability, before starting this. Remember, LB, he deserves this. He has done bad things, and he's a pirate. Yes, they are also pirates, but they haven't done half the things he has. Just when I feel like not doing this, I remind myself of the real reason I am here, and why I took this case. He has ties with Avidgor. He's helped Avidgor do to others what they did to me with Brady. He made other people go through that. He deserves this more than all but one other person in the world. That's why he needs to die. You need to start getting your revenge.

I slip the poison, Wolf's Bane of course, into the cup on the far right. I then take them over to the table with a huge smile plastered on my face, and serve them, making sure to give him the deadly cup.

Since they already paid, I start to move back to my room to the side, but watch them from my peripheral vision, and wait.

I wait for them to all drink their drinks. I wait for the glee that will come over me when the stupid red head tilts it up, and all his drink goes down his throat, including the poison.

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