Chapter 6

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Just a note for those who have read Becoming LB and haven't looked at the new version of the author's note (Which you should really do if you haven't); Amory is Merrick, Ace is Charles, Calynn is Elle, Amelia is Lizette, Zeev is Machem, Alistar is Avidgor, Catherine is Chanda. 

"Ice Queen, LB, come on, wake up," I vaguely hear, and feel someone shaking me extremely hard. Well, maybe it's not hard, but it's making me wince and want to cry out in pain.

I try to sit up, knowing that I'll be hurt if I don't. He might even withhold the food, food that I desperately want, no need.

I'm nearly up, about to take my hands off the ground and be sitting up, when I let out a yelp. My eyes skew shut and my breathing turns more rapid.

"What the..." He starts before trailing off. "Dios ayúdame."

He suddenly leaves me, and runs off.

What did he say? Dios is like-

My thought process is cut off by a sudden scream pulled from my lips. It feels as if my body is on fire, as if I'm one the rack again.

And then, it's all dark, and the pain is still there, but it feels as if it's a million miles away. Well, more like the pain if I ran a million miles but still.

Everything is now flickers, small memories of what happened. I don't have the full picture, and I never will, I just have pieces of what happened.

"Oh my, Miguel, why didn't you get me sooner. She's pretty bad off," I distantly hear someone say.

Female, familiar voice, informal tone, they know each other. He got her, and obviously believes that something is wrong with me, so most likely someone from the infirmary to do what they can with me here.

Wait, familiar vice. I don't know many people here that are females; the Captain and the cousin. Maartje, I believe her name was.

Why would she be taking care of me? She's a fighter, not a nurse or doctor. So why her?

"Are you sure Laurens won't mind looking after both the kids tonight?" I hear Miguel ask, but can't hear Maartje's response as he suddenly picks me up bridal style and carries me out the cell.

I must let out a moan of pain, because he starts whispering how I'm going to be okay, how everything's going to be alright, but I need to stay awake for now.

Much easier said than done, since in sleep, I don't hurt. In my sleep I don't feel anything. Sure, my dreams may be haunted and that's why I don't want to, but I haven't had bad dreams lately. Besides, no dream could be worse than this reality.

I can feel him jousting me a lot, and I can feel his chest rising and falling rapidly, so I can assume that he's running.

He maneuvers me around, and I feel my back pressing against the cold hard wood. The coolness feels good against my hot back, but the hardness hurts. It hurts a lot.

"Laurens, you have the room set up?" I can hear questions in his voice, and institutionally press against Miguel. I don't know why, though maybe it's because, out of the two of them, Miguel scares me less. You know, the known threat is better than the unknown one and all that.

"Yes," He replies in a clipped tone.

"As much as I dislike her because of what she did to Eva, I've had infected wounds, borderline sepsis like she might be, and it wasn't pleasant. I wouldn't wish what Dirk did to her on anyone still alive, and getting infected wounds in a hostile environment like I was in, I wouldn't wish that on the dead," He elaborates, his voice growing lighter as he's thinking back to his time with this. Most likely his time as a former slave to Eva's family. Everyone knows that story, and I've had the unpleasant pleasure of meeting the stepmother and brother for myself; I don't know how those two survived her.

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