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There are many locations, terms, and creatures lurking within the Giant Realm. Here is a list of the definitions of those terms.

White Dove- A warrior appointed by Xenia who was brought to the Giant Realm in their sleep. They are usually average, everyday people who gain magical powers. White Doves are immortal and cannot age. However, they can become injured like any other person. 

All White Doves have a fragment of Xenia's soul in their hearts; the only way to kill a White Dove is to pierce their heart with a cursed stake.  

The Giant Realm- The setting. The Giant Realm is a parallel universe to our own; every mountain, ocean, and lake that exists on Earth is in the Giant Realm, but, as the name suggests, everything is gigantic. One foot in the Giant Realm equals ten feet on Earth. 

Shadow Dove- The counterpart to the White Doves. These are former White Doves that were swallowed by dark magic. Caldrufini is the leader of them. Shadow Doves are elite warriors specializing in powerful dark magic and cursing abilities. 

Shadow- The mainline troops of Caldrufini; cannon fodder. Shadows are the weakest members of Caldrufini's army.

Caldrufini is a former White Dove who betrayed Xenia and turned to the dark arts through witches. Xenia struck him down into the Caldron of the Witch, where his blood fertilized an egg, which spawned the Dayugana.

The Dayugana- A massive sea monster resulting from a blood curse. This creature is powerful enough to split the very Earth in half, but it spends most of its time slumbering deep in the heart of the Cauldron of the Witch. 

Caudaling- A race of multi-tailed serpents. The females are larger than the males; the more tails a Caudaling has, the more desirable they are and the more likely they are to lead tribes. The females are the warriors of the tribes. The Caudalings live near the Unkto Tree, which is a tree that gives enchanted berries to make Dragon's Blood; legends say that the berries can make one immortal, but this is yet to be proven. 

Dove Wolf- The giant wolves. Dove Wolves are the canine companions that White Doves usually see riding into battle. On average, they stand between thirty to fifty feet tall. Dove Wolves are a staple in the Giant Realm. Their bites are strong enough to crush a tank. 

Shade Felis- The counterpart to the Dove Wolves. Shade Felis are large, powerful, saber-toothed cats that stand, on average, twenty-five to forty feet tall. Their claws are strong enough to slice through titanium and contain dark magic. 

Hexes- Hexes are a White Dove's biggest weakness. Hexes can negate a White Dove's power by polluting their blood with curses, which causes intense burning and pain throughout the body.

Rubies, silver, and diamonds are a powerful symbol in the Giant Realm, providing complete protection against curses. Silver and diamonds provide the same kind of protection. 

Horigrim- The Goddess of the Underworld and Xenia's cousin. Horigrim sends visions of herself to White Doves, who are close to death. 

Huelves- Human-elf hybrids that reside in Ice Storm Village. They are known for their handcrafted goods, such as candies and other treats. 

Daxicru- Caldrufini's son. The heir to Caldrufini's throne. 

Ursus Qautoculos- A race of bipedal bear-like creatures with four eyes. Sometimes, they're just called Bear Men by the locals. These creatures are incredibly strong and stand between eight to nine feet tall. They are 'dumb muscle' according to White Doves. 


Ice Storm Village- A frozen village run by the Huelves. According to legend, Xenia cursed the Huelves due to their interest in the dark arts of black magic. Now, their village was cursed to be frozen for all eternity. 

Dire Bird's Keep- The home of the great Dire Bird. 

Red Timber Forest- The territory of the White Doves. In the center of the forest resides the border, which takes you to the Shadow side of the forest. During a battle, Caldrufini sent his elite after the White Doves and won, which earned him rights to half of the Red Timber Forest. 

Frosted Highrise- One of the highest peaks in the Giant Realm. It borders the territory of the Huelves. It is one of the three great peaks in the Giant Realm. 

Two-headed River- A river that splits off into two. One way leads toward Xenia's Temple and the other heads toward Caldrufini's castle. 

The Charmed Tree- A tree that is covered in wind chimes. Fairies made themselves at home around its roots; the fairies of the Charmed Tree are tricksters, so be wary. 

Cauldron of the Witch- The territory of the witches and home to the Dayugana. The waters are full of sirens that praise the Dayugana. 


The Ruby Staff- The primary weapon of Axel. This weapon is enchanted with Ruby magic, which can be used for various spells. The staff can also act as a melee weapon when in close quarters. Xenia made the Ruby Staff nearly impossible to break. Only the highest of necromancers can break it, such as Caldrufini himself. 

Diamond Long Bow- The primary weapon of Fable. This solid diamond weapon can easily kill powerful, evil entities, such as Shadow Doves. Like the Ruby Staff, only a powerful necromancer can break it. 

Ruby Spear- The primary weapon(s) of Serina. These spears can be thrown or used as melee weapons. A spell of spear rain can be used to have a bunch of them rain down upon the enemy. These spears are made from pure ruby magic. 

Fable's Locket- A keepsake that Axel holds dear. 

Now that you understand what mostly everything is in this story let's give right in, shall we?

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