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Axel and Fable made it back to the hotel. They opened the door and sat on their bed, staring at the floor for what seemed like hours before they looked at each other.

"What in Xenia's name just happened?"

"What in Xenia's name just happened?" 

After asking that question in unison, Axel and Fable continued to stare at one another until one of them broke the silence. 

"It seems as if the remainder of Caldrufini's men are trying to take over this part of the Giant Realm," Axel said. "Now, since they know we're here, they might continue to attack this place until we are dead."

"Not so much me, Axel. I think they want you," Fable replied. "Remember, you finished what Caldrufini started, and now, his subordinates want to avenge him." Fable put a hand on Axel's shoulder. "You must be ready to fight, Axel."

"Fable..." Axel's voice drifted off before he sighed. "I don't want to fight anymore. I've fought enough. I just want to start a new life. I want to praise Xenia in this new life, Fable. I want peace. I want to start anew." Axel then grabbed Fable's bloodied hands. "I want you, our new job, and Xenia's grace forever and ever."

"Axel...I..." Fable became choked up with emotions. "I...I love you." 

"I love you, too, my sweet." Axel would hug Fable before letting her go. "So, what do you want to do tomorrow? I was thinking about exploring the area a bit more; maybe we can trek into the mountains and see what cool new species we can find."

"That would be fun, Axel!" Fable exclaimed. "I love taking hikes with you!"

"Yea. With you, it will be even better," Axel replied before kissing Fable on the cheek. Axel stretched, yawned, and placed his staff under his side of the bed before lying down on it. "I'm going to rest my eyes for a second. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to...meditate in the garden. I don't know when I'll be back," Fable replied before she collected a ruby of prayer, some incense, and a candle before going to the door, blowing Axel a kiss, then exiting, leaving Axel to rest. 

Axel sighed, then closed his eyes; the softness of the mattress and the coziness of the blanket on top of him quickly brought the White Dove into a deep sleep, but a deep sleep in this realm can open doors, doors no one wants to open. 

Axel began to have a vivid dream about being encapsulated in a glass case, surrounded by cursed water, which spoke in distorted, mysterious tongues. Axel then heard an ominous cackling, followed by a gentle touch on the chin. Axel wanted to stop the mysterious being from touching him, but his arms seemed paralyzed. 

"Get away from me!" Axel demanded, but his voice was quickly silenced by a lump in his throat. Axel's breathing began to get shallow as the figure appeared in the flesh. The figure wielded two black roses, which hummed with black magic.

"You cannot evade the approaching fire, Axel," said the figure, who suddenly wielded a black, flickering flame. The figure wiped a hand over their nonexistent face, which revealed a singular blue eye. "I am the very thing you fear; your future."

Axel wanted to scream, but he couldn't. Axel tried to move, but he couldn't. The figure's despicable hand covered Axel's eyes, shielding him from the horror that was about to transpire. Axel then felt a hot, putrid hexed cross touch his chest, where his beating heart raced wildly like a jackrabbit. Axel's teeth gritted as the metal object slowly began to pierce his heart.

"Axel! Come to my embrace, my dearest," said the voice. The voice suddenly became distorted. "I've been expecting you."

"We've been expecting you."

Axel's PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now