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Axel woke up from his nap to the scent of dinner being cooked. 

"Someone is waking up," Fable said. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I've been hit by a train, but overall, better than a few hours ago," Axel replied. "So, did you guys talk about anything while I was out?"

"Well, we're going to visit the witches tonight," Fable stated. Axel stretched his tired muscles and sat up. Fable looked him in the eye. "Are you going to be fit enough?"

"I think I'll sit this one out," Axel replied. Fable nodded. 

"C'mon, come with us!" Serina said. 

"Serina, I'm still hurting all over," Axel retorted.

"Well, can you use your healing spell?" Serina asked. 

"I could give it a go," Axel said, picking up his staff. Axel touched the tip of his staff to his chest and got nothing. A small huff came from Axel. "My magic still needs to recharge. I need some more rest." Serina rolled her eyes. Fable honed in on Serina's attitude like a hawk. 

"Serina, let him rest," Fable said. "It would be better to have him at full strength than have him weak." Fable picked up a plate and brought Axel some food. 

"Well..." Serina lost her train of thought. "Never mind." Serina stood up and grabbed a plate. Fable chuckled and began to eat. Axel glanced outside, seeing the sun slowly sinking behind the trees, casting its shadows on the ground. Axel glanced over at Fable.

"The food is delicious, Fable. What is it?"

"It's a green bean casserole. My mother taught me how to make it before I was transported here," Fable replied. "She used to work for a restaurant in Oklahoma. I wonder where my mother is these days."

"She's probably still in the restaurant business," Axel said. "If she can cook, she might as well keep at it." Axel continued to eat his meal. Fable smiled with a pleasurable squint in her eyes. 

"Thanks. My mother would be happy to hear you say that about her." Fable rested the heels of her black boots on the table between all three of them. Axel was quick to admire Fable's long, beautiful legs before his eyes collided with her beautiful face.

"I'm sure she would be. I give credit where it's due." Axel glanced outside again. "I wish I could meet her. Maybe one day." A smile formed on Fable's face yet again.

"My mother would like you." Fable ran a hand through her curly, black hair. "So, about those witches. We should consult them."

"Fable, I told you this. I should sit this one out," Axel replied. "What if we get ambushed, and I'm not at my full strength?" 

"Fine. Take the night off. Serina and I will go." Fable stood up. "Serina? Are you almost finished eating?" Serina looked up from her dish and looked Fable in the eye.

"Well, if it wasn't obvious enough. I'm still eating." Serina would then continue eating. Fable would roll her eyes.

"You're always so snobby. Can you be nice for once?" Fable asked. Serina ignored Fable and continued eating. Fable looked at Axel and subtly shook her head. "Now I see why you two have problems." Fable would open her palm and play with a little orb of red magic. "The day you two get along is the day Xenia creates a new ecosystem." Fable would stand up. "Well, I'll be waiting outside for you, Serina." Fable exited the Roost and mounted Chelly. Fable gazed at the constellations; she spotted the constellation of Xenia, a new constellation made when Xenia first arrived in the Giant Realm. The sound of a door opening made Fable turn her head, seeing Serina in her robes.

"I'm ready to speak to these witches," Serina said as she mounted Akari from her tail. "If they start trouble, do we have to fight them?"

"No, Serina. If they start trouble, we inform Xenia, and she'll burn them with her light," Fable replied. "That'll teach them to respect us, White Doves. Now, let's go. We're burning moonlight." Fable gave Chelly a swift, firm kick to the sides, making her walk on. Serina rode alongside her. Serina started to take deep breaths to mentally prepare herself just in case trouble stirred, which was unlikely, but possible knowing how cruel this world is. 

Axel's PromiseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz