Chapter 1: A Second Chance?

Start from the beginning


"Where's the location of this SOS?" The Commander asked the radio operator.

The radio operator began to shuffle around with one of his pockets before grabbing the other piece of paper reading the location, "Location of the SOS is 50°55'25.5"North and 23°23'55.7" West."

"Right...get two ships out there and find out what's going on also tell them to give me a report when they get back" The Commander walked back to his desk and sat down as he grabbed a pen continuing what he was doing earlier.

"Yes Sir!" Both of the men yelled giving a salute before exiting.


"I think this is the place" A female spoke looking at the rubble and smoke in front of her.

"The hunters must've already taken care of its prey" The other one grumbled seeing the 4 ships. "This is just a waste of time, it's more of a cleanup" She added to her previous statement slinging her torpedo rifle.

She wasn't the wrong thou, it looked more like a slaughter, dead bodies littered the seas, oil, and pieces of the ships were everywhere, and fires and destruction were visible. It was impossible to even say if anyone made it out.

"Or maybe your just scared Hunter cause you think there are ghosts laying around~" The first teased Hunter.

"I hunt my prey Drake, I don't run away and hide in fear" Hunter shot back at Drake turning her head to face her. "Moving on, which ship do we investigate first, there are 4 ships here and all of them look damaged, one of them is split in half so I suppose it's now 3 ships we have to check"

Both shipgirls turned to look at SCPS Redemption who was slowly sinking with bodies still littering the ocean, Hunter felt disgusted while Drake felt like she wanted to puke, some of the men's organs were roaming around in the sea.

"Hmmm...let's look around at them first, then we'll investigate on board" Drake responded as Hunter nodded to this.

The two of them began to walk as they came across SCPS Persistence first. The bridge tower of the ship was torn off, currently, a pile of rubble sat on the ship.

"This one says 'SCPS Persistence', what's SCPS?" Hunter read the words on the belt armor of the Persistence, despite being damaged, the words could still be read.

"Maybe it's another nation's navy, but it's quite strange why they still use human personnel to operate the ships." Drake responded to Hunter's question.

"Yeah, and seeing all the dead bodies makes me...feel uneasy"

"Either way, there's no point for us to attempt to establish radio contact with them also, I don't think anyone's gonna respond with the condition those ships are in"

"I suppose it's time to board the ships then, I'll go first" Hunter unslinged her destroyer rifle. Now using her kansen powers, she jumped onto the ship summoning her riggings halfway.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" Hunter screamed in fear as she saw a row of dead bodies, some of them had gas masks and a pistol, and others had rifles or SMGs. But their bodies remained lifeless, there were decapitated humans lying across the deck, most likely from being eaten and attacked by the infected and infected who were lifeless, either on the bodies of those who were alive or dead from the gunshot wounds.

In a state of panic after hearing Hunter scream, Drake rushed up onto the deck to see what was going on. Thinking Hunter was attacked, she came up with her flintlock and sword ready to strike the second she stepped on deck.

"WHERE'S THE-" Drake yelled but she stopped before she could finish her sentence after seeing the same horror, but one thing caught her eye, it was a body that had blood splattered underneath his body.

I will die in the dark to finish what we couldn't do.."Contain The Bismarck"Where stories live. Discover now