Chapter. 14

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His words hit me like a truck.

The feelings that've kept him him up at night? He thinks about me?

"I remember those scars, from when we first met."

My heart sunk to my stomach.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I turned my head before feeling the bed sink beside me. His familiar cologne invading my nostrils.

"Who did that to you, I won't ask again, Amore." He husked.

I sighed, brushing my hair behind my ear with a frown.

Remaining silent.

I heard a saddened breath leave his lungs.

"Does Noah know?" He asked.

I nodded sadly.

He thumbed the ripped material of my dress. Standing up which made his full length body visible for me to see.

"Come with me." He reached his hand out.

I sighed before taking his hand and following him down the hall and behind a door.

This room had to be the biggest. A king size bed rested in the middle with a couch in the corner and a side table on each side of the bed. A flatscreen adjacent from the bed.


He sat me down on the king size bed and rummaged through his drawer. He came around with a few things in hand, sitting beside me.

I watched him thread the needle before pinching the fabric of my dress together while sewing it back into place.

"What we did was wrong." I breathed.

"Was it now?" He asked, his teeth holding the end of the string to make a knot.

"It was incredibly inappropriate and should have never happened." I breathed.

"Do you regret it?" He ceases his stitch while gazing at the side of my face. This action forced me to turn and look at him.

I remained silent.

"Well how do I know you don't fuck a girl every time you go away?" He turned my head away from him.

"I don't." He freely spoke.

I sighed.

I glanced at him as he worked the last few stitches and used his teeth to pull on the thread and rip it.

"Good as new." He patted my shoulder.

"You're nothing but Noah's dad, okay?" I breathed.

"Hm." He hummed.

I stood up quickly while mumbling a quick thank you to him.

"Anytime belissima."

"Stop calling me that!" I whisper yelled in a frenzy.

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