Chapter. 1

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"Ayls, come on all that math shit is fucking boring and once you get whisked away to New York in the fall we won't talk, so please, do it for me?" She leaned back in her chair.

I stared forward with bored eyes.

"Come on Summer, I have to go. The team needs me." I bit the inside of my cheek.

There was a knock on the classroom door that caused the class to turn its head.

Our principal.

"Could I borrow Ms. Katz, please." I sighed.

Summer gasped.

"Oh no, what did she do this time, calculate the wrong area?"

"I've never gotten area wrong!" I whispered yelled to her while standing up. She mocked me before I followed Ms. Stanley out of the classroom.

With my hand clasped behind my back I followed her into her office and sat down.

"Ms. Katz, I'm aware of your ninety average across all subjects." I nodding, wondering why I was brought here.

"If you were interested we have a new student who seems to be needing some assistance before one of his tests if you'd be willing to help?"

I deflated my posture, thinking of all the other ways I could be spending my free time.

"The family is willing to pay you hourly i-"

"Yes." I nodded. Ms. Stanley chuckled a bit before waving her arm through the doorway.

"Ayla, this is Noah." I stood up, turning my body around to face the man I would be supposedly tutoring.

"Hi." He smiled.

I ran my eyes down his body, fuck. He's fucking hot.

"I'm, Ayla." I smiled, reaching my hand out. He grabbed it, sending tingles down my spine.


"Now that you two have been acquainted you both can head back to class, Ayla mind showing him to his room number?"

I nodded, walking out of the office.

"So-I'm, where'd you move from?" I asked, pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose.

"Up north, actually." He mumbled nervously.

"Canada?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Ontario."

"Which city?" I asked, trying desperately to make conversation.

"You probably won't know." He chuckled softly, there was something so beautiful about his laugh, it was so soothing and calming.

"Lay it on me."


"You're right, I don't know." I chuckled.

"Any reason, jobs?"

"My mom just got married and I guess I wanted to come down here to be with my dad instead, didnt exactly wanna be apart of a family I wasn't really apart of." I frowned, wondering why he was telling me so much.

"I'm sorry, I can't imagine how that must feel." He shook his head.

He followed me into the classroom.

Our teacher introduced him to the rest of the class with a smile, I lead him to the seat beside me.


I readjusted my backpack on my back and shoved my key into the door, just to see that it had already been unlocked.


I stepped inside, trying to remain silent incase he was awake.

"Ayla." I heard his slurred voice.

I ignored him, attempting to walk past the couch into my room.

"Ayla! Get over here!" I sighed stepping close to him.

"I need a few dollars, loan your father some money."

I gave him fifty last week.

"Dad, I gave you m-"

"Now!" I slapped my cheek. I stumbled back while clutching my cheek. Nodding, shoving my hand into my pocket.

I felt around for some loose change before handing him a twenty.

That was my lunch money.

"Go along." He shooed me away.

I walked down the hall and into my room.

We didn't live in a big house, most of my money went into rent anyways.

My manager came to my house one day, no warning. Just to drop off something and my dad answered the door, drunk. After that moment she rose my pay.

It's enough to keep us from getting evicted.

I locked my bedroom door and pulled my uniform from my closet before my phone vibrated.

Hey, it's Noah I wanted to ask about our tutoring schedule, I got your number from the school btw :)

I bit my lip adding his number to my contacts.

We can have our first session this Saturday and talk then if that works for you?

I typed back.


I showered quickly and slipped my uniform on. Passing a passed out dad on the couch while getting out using the door.

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