chapter fourty: who should it be?

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Astral p.o.v

The drive to Marley was what I'd call awkward and very quiet after Ymir took control but I think they got the hint... We are not playing around and I'm the one holding all the cards not them, once we arrived back William began ordering people around trying his best to boast his power over everyone as he has none over me.

We had arrived at the main city and I had things to deal with too so while William did what he did I walked towards the guards who quickly saluted, "you... Don't need to salute... I just need some help as we have a traitor and I need to talk with the generals about replacing him" I said this as two men carried Zeke away who was now crying knowing his fate was here.

"Yes sir... Follow me sir" one guard said and he began to walk away but I waited for Porco and Marcel, but something was off they weren't talking to each other, I just shrugged and started following the soldier, he took us through the city allowing everyone to clap and cheer as everyone saw us, I had forgotten that we were supposed to be returning from an invasion so I reassured we had won and soon our empire would be back to full power.

Soon we had walked almost half the city before we finally made it to a large white government-owned building, we all entered and the guard spoke to the receptionist, "this lad here is wanting to speak to the generals it's extremely important" the guard said and the women looked at me having to slightly stand up to see me, "ok well they are in a meeting at the moment about their next plan of attack" she explained "they are right through those doors you can wait if you want" I chuckled and just walked to the door with no hesitation I pushed it open.

"Now that we have control over this sector we should push through and take the rest of Europe" a female with red short hair and green military clothing stated pointing at a map, before stopping to look up at me, "excuse me but this is an important meeting please wait outside," the woman said but I didn't follow her orders instead I walked forwards "actually this is something that may affect your tactics and it needs to be known" I stated and all the generals looked at me now interested but also annoyed.

"We had... A traitor and his name... Is Zeke... You may know him some called him a warlord some called him a general but I call him a traitor" I stated with confidence and this did get them talking, "how could you know this?" A male with a booming voice and black hair who was very high up in the military asked, "oh... Because he almost killed me... He tried his best... Tricking my team into attacking me... And no they aren't traitors... I can see their memories" I said bending the truth so as not to get Marcel in trouble.

"Ok, but we need the beast titan... So if it's true Zeke betrayed us who would replace him" another general asked and this got a whole load of grumbles of the agreement but I smiled, "well I know a girl who almost got a titan who is smart and could use the titan very well" I stated and my mind went back to who was up to get the cart titan, "I will push Pieck someone who was originally supposed to get a titan... She is loyal while smart she would be a great replacement for Zeke" I explained and the first woman with red hair snapped her fingers and her assistant brought her a tablet.

She then started to search for something and once she found it she started reading "hmm... Fine I will allow Pieck to take the beast titan now leave" the redhead said and I smiled before walking out the room, "I don't know who I like more" Porco said as the three of us walked away towards the warrior camp "what do you mean?" I asked not looking back as I pushed past people and soldiers in the city, "before you got the titan you was... Shy caring and easy to embarrass while now... You confident, determined and still cute" Porco said and I was worried and slightly flustered.

"Well... Maybe we should keep our love to a low so as not to make people awkward" I said and I heard Marcel chuckle "look I know that you saw my memories and it's true that... I don't like you two being together but don't think that will get in the way I promise" Marcel said and I stopped for a moment I felt emotions from Porco telling me he disliked his brother, I guess many emotions were flowing through me I hadn't released them much since I got these powers and with the fact, I feel the emotions of other Eldians just intensified things.

Marcel and porch both stopped when I did and soon they moved in front of me to see what was wrong, but at that point, I was crying "I... I'm sorry" I cried as I hugged them both at first they were confused but soon they hugged me back, "what for?" Porco asked as he patted my hair "I... I just feel myself... At times im, not myself... I told Marcel but sometimes it's hard to stay as astral when you can remember everyone's memories" I cried "I feel like I'm tearing everything apart ... I mean Zeke started it threatening your parents... And I know they're safe now but still" I continued crying.

"Ssshhhh little bro..." Marcel stated "look it's not your fault... Things will work out I'm sure of it" he contiued, I looked up to see Marcel smiling and Porco smiled too but I couldn't help but realise how much the founding titan had changed me, Porco was right I did use to be shy letting them take the lead while I followed behind but just then I was ahead, I don't know who I am... I am both shy and confident and with all these emotions is it a good thing I have changed.

Well now is not the time, I knew I needed to get to the camp and find our next beast titan and even better I could choose what creature they become because im the founder im the controller.

To be continued

Author notes

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in like decades lol but I kind of lost steam but I recently started playing a game that has added some aot content and it kinda kicked my horse into gear so I started writing and re-reading my book to remember what I did, which is where I have a question that's best to ask a reader to find out.

Is it noticeable that astral has changed, I feel like it is and im not sure if it's good or if people like it? Astral went from very shy to confident and just wanted to ask if people are ok with that and if they feel like this character is still the same from before?

The founding child(discontinued being remade (attack on Titan) (Porco X Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now