chapter four: we are here

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Porco p.o.v

I had tried getting some sleep for an hour now but the swaying of the boat made that hard so I decided to head up onto the deck, when I got there I heard someone crying I followed the sound and it lead to someone leaning on the railing crying.

"Hello?" I asked and the person looked at me "go away porco" he said and I knew it was astral from his voice "no ... I'm staying here it's cold out" I said sitting next to him at first he kept his distance while still staying near me, "was it true what marcel said ... About making me look bad so I wouldn't get a titan" astral said and I felt a little guilty.

"Yeah we did it cause you are far to innocent to become the armoured titan" I said and he started crying again even harder "what's wrong?" I asked putting an arm around him "I put my own parents to there own deaths so I would have a chance to become a titan shifter and your saying you ruined that chance" astral said still crying.

"I didn't know about that I wouldn't have done it if I knew" I said bringing him into an embrace I could tell he was getting comfortable "don't get used to this I'm not going to give you a hug every day" I said and he started giggling his movement made my heart skip a beat it just felt right.

After a couple minutes he stopped crying and I think he fell asleep, I decided to rap my jacket around him and watched him sleep peacefully and I ended up falling asleep too.

Marcel p.o.v

I was quickly awoken by my alarm clock "porco it's time to get up we should be seeing land soon" I said but when I turned over to look at porco's bed I found it empty, I got up and got dressed before walking out from the sound of it me and porco are the first to be awake.

I started searching all over the large ship but I couldn't find him anywhere not untill I reached the front of the ship, I noticed two people sleeping next to the railing when I got closer I realized it was porco and astral "hey porco" I whispered putting my hand on his shoulders he slowly opened his eyes "huh what's the time" he said and I sighed laughing a little "it's 6 in the morning porco" I said and his eyes widened with suprise.

"Why are you out here with astral" I asked as a low grunt came from astral as he woke up from his sleep "I couldn't sleep so I chose to go for a walk and found this brat out side crying so I stayed and one thing lead to another and he fell asleep so I kept him warm" porco said making sure not to meet my eyes "did you know he did what Zeke did" porco continued.

"Did what?" I asked not sure what he meant by what Zeke did "astral snitched his parents who sided with the devil's so that he could get a titan" porco explained and now the guilty started to hit me even harder "just five more minutes" astral groaned me and porco laughed a little "yes astral you can have five more minutes" I said and he went back to sleep falling even more into porco.

"It reminds me when we first met him and he was so shy the only person he ever spoke to was you and he would always sleep on your lap after training for Hours" I said and porco smiled as we remembered those memories.

*Flash back*

"Ok everyone we have one final warrior ... This is astral treat him like a comrad" the male officer said and astral slowly peeked from behind the soldier his adorable face showing fear and nervousness, when his officer had left he ran for a tree and hid behind it so me and porco both approached him "hey I'm marcel and this is my brother porco" I said and astral slowly revealed himself again.

He had nice blonde hair that was messy and all over the place it clearly hadn't been cut in a while, "h...h..hey I'm ...astral" he said and porco groaned "that name sounds like a girls name" he said and astral looked sad when porco said that "well it was my mother's name" he said and I could tell porco felt bad for saying what he said.

"Well don't worry we'll keep you company and we'll be your friend" I said and he suddenly smiled before running up to us and giving us a hug, he was shorter then both of us yet he's older than porco by a few months.

*Flash back ends*

I chose to sit next to astral and so me and porco just sat there talking about past things, that's when porco brought something up "I just thought astral is going to become the founding titan if we find them" porco said and I nodded and then he spoke "do you think with his powers plus the founding titan powers he could lift the Ymir curse" porco asked and I shrugged.

"It's possible he could be able to extend the years but we can't tell untill he gets the powers" I answered I then felt movement to my right when I looked I noticed astral was awake now "hey astral can I just say I'm sorry" I said to him and he just shrugged, "it doesn't matter as you guys said when we find the founding titan I am the candidate for it" astral said that was when them was a loud bump and then the captain called out.

"We have reached land" the captain said and now I know what the sound was it was the anchor, we all got up and started heading to storage and collected the needed things like a camp fire and tents before starting our adventure.

The founding child(discontinued being remade (attack on Titan) (Porco X Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now