chapter two: learning my abilities

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Astral p.o.v

After Reiner got the armoured titan I wasn't too upset I just started hanging out with marcel and porco, marcel got the Cart Titan because of his great leader ship they believed he could use the information the cart titan can get to make a plan, his brother on the other hand got the jaw titan which made marcel unhappy apparently he didn't want his brother to become a Titan.

We were just walking round the city talking about life, "sorry that you didn't get a titan even after what you have been through" marcel said and I shrugged at him "let's admit reiner will fuck up and I'll have to eat him" I replied and this caused porco to laugh while Marcel gave him a disapproving look.

Suddenly I was knocked over by a middle aged man we both fell to the ground and he dropped a box, "oh sorry sir" I said picking up the box when I saw what was inside I was shocked "titan syrum?" I questioned when suddenly the guy took the box but before he could run he was already surrounded by the marleyan police.

"Hand over the package and put your hands up" one of the officers said but instead he used the syrum on his self, "run" Marcel said and he and porco both ran for it but I was too scared to move the thing was ugly it's hair was the same brown hair as the male who bumped into me and he was coming right for me.

He reached for me when suddenly I was pushed out the way when I recovered I saw porco been lifted up the only thing I could do was scream "SSTTTOOOPPP!!!" I screamed as the titan inched porco closer and closer but once I finished saying stop the titan stopped.

"What the hell ... Porco are you ok" marcel called and porco looked down "does it look like I'm ok" he said and then marcel looked at me "how did you do that" he asked and I shook my head.

"Erm ... Put porco down" I shouted up and the titan slowly placed porco down and let him go, "now rip your own nape out" I said and the titan slowly moved its hand to its nape and ripped it out killing itself, the police just stared at me in confusion "I think we need to take you to Zeke" marcel said grabbing my arm we started running to Zeke, porco was close behind.

"Zeke!!" Marcel called and Zeke looked at us "what's wrong ... No I can't let Reiner get eaten for astral" Zeke teased but he noticed the fear in our eyes "ok what you need" Zeke asked and so we explained what just happened in the city.

"So what you saying is astral can control Titan's" Zeke asked and we all nodded "and he saved you porco" Zeke continued piecing it together, "yeah I'm not joking I'd be dead if he didn't tell the titan to stop and then got it to kill itself" porco said patting me on the head, that's what I hated I'm older then porco but I'm shorter then him actually I was second shortest in the group only Annie was shorter.

"I'll inform our commander astral you might just be able to go to paradise Island if you're able to control this power" Zeke said noting it down in a small book "I'll ask for an audience with them once we can confirm that you can control it" he then walked up to a guard and whispered something in his ear the guard nodded and walked away.

"Follow me to the courtyard" Zeke said and so we followed him out the building, waiting in the courtyard was a tied up man and next to him was two guards one was holding some titan syrum, Zeke with no hesitation picked up the syrum and injected it into the man turning him into a titan.

"Ok now order it around" Zeke said and I took a deep breath as I watched it stand up, "kneel" I said and it reluctantly kneeled onto one knee Zeke watched in amazement "put your hand out on the ground" I said and again it did as I ordered, I then stepped onto its palm "now lift me up" I said and he slowly lifted his hand upwards "put me down" I said and it slowly placed its hand back on the ground.

"Bring the second person" Zeke said and a women was dragged out and he did the same "order her around" Zeke said and I took a deep breath, "stand still" I said but the women continued walking forwards at me "get on the ground" I said and suddenly the male titan did as I said but not the female "erm I think I can only control one at a time ... Kill the new titan" I said and suddenly the first titan lunged into the back of the female and bit out her nape.

"So you can't control more then one but you can get it to do what ever you want" Zeke said to himself "can you get it to kill its self" he asked and I nodded "kill your self" I said and the titan slowly did the same thing as the man in the city, it began ripping it's own nape out.

"This is brilliant I'll inform the military about this you'll be going to paradise Island and the other Titan's will protect you" Zeke said and so he rushed off leaving me in shock I was a warrior without a titan I was even given the correct arm band.

The founding child(discontinued being remade (attack on Titan) (Porco X Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now